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Isak's POV:

Today is the first day of school. Junior year is finally here. I can't believe I am almost done with high school. I didn't hate high school like all the other kids. Since freshmen year Jonas, Magnus, and Eva have wanted to get out of this place. I really don't mind. I mean...I don't love it. I'm always exhausted and stressed out, and I've had some pretty shitty teachers but I don't know- it's home.

I walked in, trying to look cool, calm, and collected but on the inside I was screaming for Jonas, Magnus, or Eva to appear. I hated being alone. I don't really have many friends. For some reason, it's been really difficult for me to keep friendships. I feel like all my relationships have a one-year limit. People can only deal with me for so long or something. But luckily, Jonas, Magnus, and Eva have been my constant. They are the only things in my life that are constant. My home life is pretty shit- it's probably why I don't hate school like everyone else, and honestly, I have issues. I'm not sure what they are exactly, but I know I'm fucked up. I think I have some levels of depression and anxiety, but I've never been to a doctor about it so technically I don't have any problems. But yeah, things were really hard on me when my parents got divorced and ever since I just haven't been a happy kid. I can't really ever remember being happy. I usually feel alone and somewhat numb to the rest of the world. That's why I'm so thankful for my three real friends- without whom I'm nothing.


I didn't want to sit alone at a table and wait till I saw my friends. I always got to school early and it was really hard for me to sit by myself and wait for them. I usually would just walk around the school or go to the bathroom and wait for one of them to text me. It was dumb of me to think that any of them would come to school early just because they knew I would be there. So, I went to the bathroom and shut myself in a stall to wait for one of them to arrive. I know, it sounds depressing, but I just don't have the confidence to sit at a table and wait for them alone. I was hoping that I wouldn't start junior year this way but oh well. It's not their fault- and ultimately, it is my choice.

Finally, I got a text from Jonas.

Jonas: Hey bro. Sorry I overslept. I'm walking in now.

Because I have no other friends, I took this as the opportunity to leave the bathroom stall. I figured I would walk to the front door of the school and meet Jonas as he was walking in. I whipped open the bathroom door into the hallway and walked directly into Even Bech Naesheim. Kill. Me. Now.

Hey friends!! It's been a few months without SKAM and I am sad as fuck. Thought I'd make a fanfic! I hope you like it!! Let me know! Comment, vote, etc!!

i hope you enjoy!:)


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