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Isak's POV:

Thursday had finally arrived. I was meeting with Vilde, Chris, and I think Noora. I remember Vilde emailing me about four people meeting. I walked into the meeting room and shyingly smiled, scanning over each of their faces. But then I stopped. Halfway through the doorway I stopped. Truthfully, in that moment I think everything stopped- my feet, my breathing, and my heart. Because sitting there at the table with Vilde and Chris was Even.

I was confused. What was Even doing here? I didn't really say anything because I didn't want to make anything obvious. I just smiled and sat down a few seats down from him.

"Well, hello boys." Vilde began. "If you don't already know each other-"

"We do." A thick deep voice cut in- it was Even.

I felt my face reddening. Did Even really just say he knew me? I think he noticed my uncomfort so he reached out his hand, "I'm Even, if you didn't know." He mumbled. "Yeah, Isak." I replied abruptly.

"Oh great! So! As you both know- you will be joining our executive team and helping me and Chris lead the teen dating violence awareness club!"

"Wait." I said allowed, even though I meant to say it in my head. "Even hasn't been coming to our meetings...?"

"Actually..." his deep, sexy, strong- Stop, Isak. You're doing it again.

" I've been in this club since my sophomore year, but with the school play the first couple of meetings I can't make."

"Oh." I responded, feeling embarassed that I just called him out for something he didn't do.

"Yeah! So! After looking over both your applications, Vilde and I just couldn't pick between you to. We think you both have something really special that you're going to bring towards Club." Chris said.

"Yeah. Thanks, I'm excited." I said in agreement while readjusting my beanie.

"Yeah! Let's do this!" Even yelled, clapping his hands together.

Why was he so perfect?


After we were done meeting I started walking down the steps outside toward my bike. Until I heard, "Yo. Wait up." I assumed it was Jonas but after quickly turning around I saw Even jogging towards me.

Act natural, Isak.

"Hey." I began.

"Hey. Some meeting right?"

"Uh..yeah." I said, not exactly sure by what he meant by that.

"I think it's gonna be fun. I'm excited."


"Awesome. I'll see you in class, Isak." He said- trotting back up the steps.

As happy as I was about how the meeting went all I could think was- he knew I was in his class.

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