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Eva's POV

School was over and I sat at home watching TV in my room. Jonas was at the skate park and my mom was out of town, so I had the whole place to myself and was feeling kind of loney.

Eva: hey Isak- whats up?

Isak: Hey Eva. not much. chilling at home.

Eva: wanna come over...? :) I havent seen u in sooo long!!

Isak: i know!

Isak: i just got home myself. i'll meet u at your house in 20.

Eva: yay:)

I figured that Isak and I hadn't hung out in a while- just the two of us. He was always my vent-buddy. I know I had just seen him at school, but I missed him.


When Isak walked in I greeted him with a big hug. Sometimes, Isak can be kind of shy or sad. He won't always give into hugs. Me, Jonas, and Magnus would secretly talk about him- we all love him so much and care about him. We know that Isak isn't always that happy and that he may be a little depressed or anxious at times. We just all try our best to remind him that he is loved.

Isak and I sat on the bed and just chatted- nothing serious. We watched The Hangover and ate some chocolate chip cookies. It was fun just being with him, and I could tell that Isak was happy to be with me too.

"We need to do this again, Isak!" I said, giving him a hug at the door.

"Yeah, definitely," he mumbled while hugging me back.

"I've missed hanging out with you like this!"

"Yeah, I've missed you too Eva. I better get going, but yeah we should hang more- just the two of us." Isak said while walking into the driveway while I remained in the door frame.

"I love you, Isak!" I yelled while shutting my front door.

Isak's POV

I was walking home from Eva's. She was such a great friend. I loved that we could hang out for hours doing nothing together.

Having someone as lovely as Eva makes me sad at how mentally screwed up I kind of am. If they all knew what bad thoughts and feelings ran through my mind- or even my thoughts about Even...I don't think they'd wanna deal with me anymore.


I got home pretty late and crawled into bed. As I plugged in my phone on my bedside table I saw a text from Even:

"heyy! check ur emaill partner:)"

Obviously, seeing a text from Even woke me right up. I opened my email to find an email from Mr Pinow.

Hello Class,

Things always get crazy towards the end of the semester. Every teacher is always assigning these big important tests. Well! I've deceided that 1) I'm the nicest teacher you'll ever have and 2) I don't want to grade tests. So, I'm assigning a partner project instead. Below there is a link to the syllabus for the project.

Scroll to the bottom of this email to see your partners!

*Parnters are not negociable!!*

See you in class,
Mr P.


I scrolled to the bottom of the email even though I was already certain what I would see.


Mary and Aidan
Dean and Carl
John and Ivan
Quinn and Charly
Isak and Even


There it was. I read it over and over again. Isak and Even. Isak and Even. Isak and Even.

And on that thought, I fell asleep.


I woke up the same way I feel asleep: Isak and Even.

Even and I had developed a "weird" relationship. Because of our club and science class, I saw Even every single week, every single day. Our relationship is weird though because at club we've gotten really close. We sit right next to eachother, whisper jokes, and write notes to eachother. At club, neither of us seem to be afraid of personal space. Sometimes we will be sitting so close that our knees with brush up against one another. Other times we'll become so engrossed in our own private conversation that Vilde or Chris will have to remind us that we aren't just there to hang out. Again though, it's weird. I mean, it's especially weird for me because I've been in love with Even for three years- so being able to talk with him at club is honestly a dream come true. And I know he doesn't feel that way about me at all but sometimes at club I get the sense that we're fliritng (?). But, that's probably just my wishful overthinking and most likely has to do with the fact that I've never been in a relationship- so what the fuck do I know about flirting?! So yeah...I consider us close friend when we are at club, but at school...he's still a cool hot senior and I'm a wormish little elf. Our school relationship resembles how we act at club not at all. Of course, we still talk at school but only if we have to. Bottom line, the man of my dreams is kind of my weird sometimes flirty (?) friend that I don't talk to during the school day that I am now doing a class project with. Only in my life.

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