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Isak's POV

Even was a grade above me- so he's a senior this year- and honestly, I've had the biggest crush on him since my freshmen year when I first laid eyes on him. He was tall and thin with perfectly blonde prince hair. His eyes were the color of a clear ocean- I literally felt like I could swim in them. His lips looked soft and plush, but he also looked like he could fuck a bitch if he had to- hot damn- he was perfect.

Okay, lets address the elephant in the room. So, I've kind of always had this hanging over my head feeling that I was gay. I just was never really ready to accept myself for it- even though I obviously accept others. It wasn't until freshmen year that I saw Even that I was like oh yeah I'm clearly gay as hell. The thing is though, I wasn't ready for everyone to know that. I didn't tell any of my friends- any as in Magnus, Eva, or Jonas. They don't know I'm gay and they definitely don't know that I have been in love with the same man since our first day of high school three years ago.

I guess I just didn't feel like it was necessary. What was the point really? They all assumed I was straight and I may as well be straight because Even is straight and even if he was gay he would never even notice someone like me. May I repeat- Even is so fucking cool and popular. No matter what he's doing- people support him. Even would not even know that I exist even if we spent every day together. I'm just a weirdly shy, secretly gay, extroverted introvert with three friends. Who the fuck would notice me?


When I reached Jonas in the hallway I gave him the classic high-five-side-hug thing. But before anything else he just looked at me and said, "Isak, why are you blushing right now?" As if that question wouldn't make me blush more!! And of course it's because I literally walked into the man of my dreams leaving a bathroom. I tried to play it cool, "What the fuck man, I don't know...I walked here quickly cause I was pumped to see you." Luckily, that response was enough for Jonas and we went back to the cafeteria to sit before the homeroom bell rang.


In homeroom, you get your schedule for the semester, and as the bell rang you heard a unified sound of dread coming from the large cafeteria. As I walked into my homeroom class I saw a few people that I somewhat knew and sat next to them. I didn't have homeroom with any of my friends because of alphabetical order and that sucked. I looked at my schedule and immediately sent a picture in my group chat of Jonas, Eva, and Magnus to see if any of us had the same classes.

Isak: any of you guys have science last?

Magnus: nah man

Jonas: nope, third :(

Eva: I'm not even taking a science this year...lol :/

Isak: dammit.

It sucked to not have science with friends because it always requires a lab partner, and I hated when everyone else is already with their friends and you need to go up to the teacher, commit social suicide, and tell her that you don't have any friends therefore you don't have a partner. But luckily, science was last of the day- so I could worry about it later.


The bell rang. I was walking to science. How could it already be the last class of the day? Sometimes the school day goes by too quickly that it weirds me out. I felt like just a second ago I was sitting in a bathroom stall playing video games.

I walked into science and sat at the front of the room. I liked science, so I wanted to be in the front. I knew my teacher because I had him last year so I didn't feel weird which was good. A girl sat down next to me soon after I sat. "Sana" she said, reaching out her hand. "Isak," I responded shaking it. "I was hoping we could be partners...I don't have any friends in this class," she said while trying to get me to look at her. I turned to look at her, she was a pretty muslim girl with dark features, "Yeah actually, that sounds great. I don't know anyone in this class either."

The teacher, Mr. Pinow began class by turning off the lights so we could all watch a film. About 20 minutes into the class the door creaked open. I didn't turn around because I figured it was just someone using the bathroom. But then I heard Mr. Pinow's thick whisper,

"You're late, Mr. Bech Næsheim."

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