July 23 2017

12 2 1

I've been really tired for a long time now. It's been happening for a little less than a week. Maybe 5 days ish. I've been staying up late because well I'm stupid and decided that Netflix is more important than sleep. But there was a couple times where I had to do homework. Yes I was in summer school, doing a class that I didn't want to do during the school year. I feel myself wanting to sleep all day but if I try to nap then I can't.

Anyways, I've been, well, seeing things. Things I know aren't real but I see. Hallucinations? I guess. Mostly just black figures out of the corner of my eye or a man next to me. Sometimes I will hear whispering. I don't really wanna complain but it actually really scared me a few times. If you were next to me, you'll see me flinch at times or look around a lot.

I know I should get more sleep and that will solve this but.. I can't get to sleep early anymore. I'm wide awake.

Im okay, it's just that I want to sleep.


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