July 5 2017

13 3 0

I can't sleep. It's 2:44 in the morning and I'm tired as hell but can't sleep. Ugh. I think the reason I can't get to sleep is because of nightmares. I know I have nightmares but I can't remember much. My memory of most of my nightmares are wiped out or I do remember a few but they always confuse me. I don't know anymore.


My chest hurts because of my brother. He bruised my ribs. I guess it's not entirely his fault cause we were on the trampoline but he yelled and swore at me saying it was my fault. He only got a nose bleed while I'm stuck here with bruises. It hurts to move, cough, sneeze, breathe sometimes and lift my arms above my head. Freaking sucks man.


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