My Life With Someone Famous..- Louis Fanfic(: xx

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Hope you like it! Gotta sink this all in how to work wattpad :p

Kaleigh's POV

"OH.. MY.. KEVINNN!!!!!!!!" Alyssa started running around, screaming like a maniac, We got the boy's numbers, she got Harry's and I got Lou's. "Alyssa! Calm down!" I said, keeping calm, but on the inside I was ready to burst open like a firework. I couldn't believe the boys.. gave us there NUMBERS!" It started earlier that day, Alyssa and I were working at the convenient store blasting one direction music throughout the whole store, I mean no one was in there... Alyssa was shelving and I was putting away money when someone or should I say some few guys came into the store, I didn't look up. "Welcome to CVS! If you need anything just ask Alyssa and I and we'll be glad to help you." Alyssa waved her hand really high so they knew where she was. I finished putting the money away, organized and everything. Right as I was about to lock up and call alyssa, someone interrupted me. "Hello?" he said in his deep british accent, "Uh yes.." I said looking up.. It was Louis Tomlinson. Oh My God. This couldn't be happening.. "I was wondering if you had.. had.. had any yorkshire tea!" He blushed slightly and looked at the ground, I could feel my face heating up. "As a matter of fact we do!" I walked down the aisle Alyssa was in, she was talking to harry. Her face got really red, i nudged her in the back lightly with my elbow and smirked, I showed louis the tea and started heading back towards the front, I felt a light nudge in my back. "You're just going to leave me?" He said smirking walking next to me. I blushed and shrugged my shoulders. I untied my smock hung it up on the stand and checked out Louis. He handed me a 20 with something on it. "Keep the change." He said winking at me and walking out the door back to their car. There was something written on it.. It was his number. Harry lightly kissed Alyssa on the cheek, slipped something into her pocket and walked off. We waited until they left.. "OH MY GODD!!!!!!!!" We screamed jumping around. "WE GOT THEIR NUMBERS!" I screamed freaking out!!!!

Louis POV

"CAN WE MAKE A STOP PLEASEE! I NEED MY YORKSHIRE TEA!" I hollered to the bus, He pulled over into the CVS parking lot and Harry and I went inside, "Welcome to CVS," A girl with long soft blonde hair said, She had fair skin, getting on the tanner side slightly, and dark blue eyes which looked like sunflowers with the brown layering around her pupil. She had a straight smile and a lot of freckles. I couldn't help but stare at her, harry lightly shoved me in the back. " If you need anything Alyssa and I will be glad to help you." A hand raised up over the aisle, I'm guessing that was her friend Alyssa. Harry started walking her way, I didn't see my yorkshire tea so I walked up to her. "Hello?" I said, she looked up "Uh.. Yes?" My god she was gorgeous. I stared into her dark blue eyes. I quickly snapped out of it. 'I was wondering if you had.. had.. had any yorkshire tea!" I said blushing looking down at the ground. Gosh, I never felt this way for any girl. "Snap out of it louis!!!" My brain kept telling me, She came out around and walked down the aisle harry was in with her friend, I saw her lightly elbow her friend in the back and smirk. Her face got really red.. I just acted like I didn't see anything and hit harry in the arm. She showed me the tea and I picked out my usual flavor, i wrote down my number on a $20 and slipped it back into my pocket racing to catch up with her, I lightly shoved her in the back "You're just going to leave me?" I said smirking, her face turned tomato red and she just shrugged her shoulders. She took off her smock off, hung it up and rang me up. I handed her the 20 with my number on it. "Keep the change." I said winking at her walking away waiting for harry, He soon came out with a big smile on his face. He kissed her cheek and slipped her his number. I knew it. Just the way he was staring off into space with that big goofy smile. We hopped onto the bus and drove to our little home that were staying in before we head back to England in a few months.

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