How You Meet

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Ticci Toby

Today at school you had gotten detention for swearing at a teacher during a mood swing causing you to miss your bus. You walked out of the school to find everyone gone and that it was raining. You sighed and began your long walk home. You couldn't shake the feeling that you were being followed. Every now and again you would hear what sounded like ticking. Eventually you turned around and stopped in the middle of the path.

"WHO EVER YOU ARE STOP FOLLOWING ME NOW!" You screamed trying to sound brave but inside you were terrified. No reply. You groaned and turned around to come face to face with a boy about your age wearing goggles and a mask. You screamed and stumbled backwards landing on the floor. He reached his hand out to help you up and that's when you heard the ticking noise again. "Y-you were the on following me" You stuttered backing away from him slightly. He rolled his eyes and moved towards you his hand still outstretched.

"Look sorry if I scared you but I just... just wanted to be friends" He said quietly. You looked at him with confusion and took his hand. He pulled you up on to your feet and kept your hand. "Let me walk you home and my names Toby" He said confidently.

"Okay... My names Y/N" You said nervously. You both walked to your house, Toby still held your hand.

"Bye Y/N I'll see you soon!" Toby said cheerfully before running into the woods at the back of your house.

        Jeff the Killer

You were lying in your bed unable to sleep. You had been listening to music and reading fanfics about your favourite celebrity when you began to get tired but now that you are in your bed you couldn't sleep. You had a strange feeling that someone was watching you. Suddenly you hear a loud bang come from the corner of the room.

"Shit" You hear an unfamiliar voice shout. You grab the knife from the side of your bed and sit up. You are only able to make out the out line of a boy. He had his hood up and seemed to be holding something.

"Who are you? and why the hell are you in my room?" You shouted jumping out of bed and holding your knife up. The boy turns around and chuckles darkly revealing his cut in smile and dark eyes.

"My names Jeff. Jeff the Killer" He said slyly. He walked over to you and pinned you against the wall with your arms about your head. He slowly slipped your knife out of his hand and threw it into a corner of your room. "You wont be needing this because im not going to kill you. yet." He said. You were slightly relieved when he turned around and walked over to your open window. "See you soon Y/N" He said. His carved smile growing wider


     BEN Drowned

You were sitting in your bedroom  with only a t-shirt and your underwear on playing a new game that your mum had gotten you at a yard sale. It was a old Nintendo 64 cartridge. It only had the word 'Majora' written on it, the label had been peeled off. When you turned it on you saw that there was an old game under the name 'BEN'. You decided to leave it as it probably belonged to the games previous owner. You were about half way through the game when you hear a voice behind you.

"Nice ass" It said. You turned around to see a Link look-a-like sitting on your bed. You screamed and covered yourself with a blanket. The boy just chuckled.

"Who are you?" You asked shakily.

"Names BEN. BEN Drowned" You took a deep breath as you immediately recognised the name. He noticed and chuckled again. "I see you know who I am, Well don't be scared I just wanted to be friends so I guess i'll see you soon Y/N" He smirked before disappearing into the TV once more.

     Eyeless Jack

You were lying in your bed almost sleeping one night when you felt something cold brush your side. You felt your top slide slowly being lifted up at your side. You froze, unsure what to do. You looked up to see a boy wearing all black apart from him blue mask.

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