First Kiss

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        Ticci Toby

You and Toby were out in the woods playing hide and seek. You were it and were trying to find Toby. Suddenly you come across him hanging upside down from a tree but he hasn't noticed you yet. You get an idea and sneak over to him and kiss him...


        Jeff the Killer

Jeff is nervous because it's his first kiss. He told you this when you first started dating so you decided you would have to make the first move. When Jeff was in the kitchen looking for something to eat you sneaked up on him and kissed him. To your surprise he kissed you back. When you tried to move away Jeff didn't want to so you made out for ages.

tumblr_n3esevNQ2M1r238sko1_500        BEN Drowned

BEN kissed you as soon as you said you would go out with him.        Eyeless Jack

You knew Jack didn't like removing his mask so you didn't try and push him to kiss you but one night when you were out on a date he pulled the bottom of his mask up and placed a gentle kiss on your lips. You immediately kissed him back and you could feel him smiling against you. After that E.J took every opportunity you two had to kiss you.

tumblr_m5lako9g8m1qlr3o4o1_500        Slenderman

You had no idea how you would even kiss Slender but one day when you two were walking through the woods he picked you up bridal style and smashed the area where his lips would have been onto yours. For that moment it actually felt as if he had lips.

tumblr_n3f9l1DhZs1rtcrygo1_500        Offenderman

You were in your room trying on a new outfit for your date with Smexy. You had put on a slightly tight revealing dress you new Smexy would love. You were examining your self in the mirror when you saw Smexy standing in the door way you jumped a little but turned and smile. He rushed over to you and pulled you into a passionate kiss.

 tumblr_n3j7esi7pl1ros88no1_500        Trenderman

You and Trender were in your room trying to decide on outfits for a party you were going to. You finally found one and walked out to show Trender. (outfit). When Trender walked in he walked over and used you necklace to pull you into a kiss.

tumblr_n3ka98QmVC1tuk680o1_500(Couldn't find one the other way around... Sorry!)        Laughing Jack

You and Jack were sitting talking and laughing about the silliest things when he began to tickle you. You began laughing even harder than him and he laughed with you. You begged him to stop but he kept tickling you. He randomly stopped a few minutes later and kissed you.

tumblr_mwpszrjTs11s9xqw5o1_500        Dr Smiley

It was a nice day so you and Smiley were lying in the back yard. You looked over at him and saw he was 'sleeping' so you decided to be impulsive and kiss him. To your surprise he kissed back and when you tried to move away he pulled you back.

tumblr_m4syw5OTby1qi76x0o1_500        Masky

He kissed you when you said you would go out with him.


He kissed you when you said that you would go out with him.

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