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When You First Meet

You had just bought The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time from Nintendo 64 from a yard sale and you rushed home to play it. You had been looking for Ocarina of Time for a while but you had never been able to find it. It was some creepy old man that was having the yard sale and he let you have it for free. You shivered and walked home. You put the game in and started it up. You immediately noticed the differences, they weren't like creepy different but Links clothes were a brighter green and less detailed. It look as if a few things had been changed at the last minute to make it look better. The game was running fine apart from some of the dialogue which had been changed and pieced of heart in unreachable places. It wasn't until you reached the water temple when things started to get really weird. You would hear laughing and people screaming. There was even blood in the watery areas. When you finally reached Dark Link sub boss you entered the room only to be immediately stabbed by Dark Link. Being the person you were you began to flip out and start screaming at the game. You threw yourself back onto your bed only to land in someone's lap. You sat up and screamed when you came face to face with Dark Link.

"Don't worry babe you're too cute too hurt... I'll let you process what just happened and i'll be back soon Y/N" He winked at you before disappearing into the TV.

When You Meet Again

The next day you were sitting on your bed playing Ocarina of Time again. You didn't know why but you badly wanted to see Dark Link again. You wanted to make sure you weren't going crazy and you thought he was sort of cute. When you reached the Water Temple you heard a voice behind you.

"I see you could wait to see me again" He chuckled causing you too blush. You turned around to see him sitting in the same spot as yesterday. You got up and walked over to your xbox/playstation/whatever and picked up two controllers.

"Wanna play?" You said throwing one on the bed next to him.

"You got it babe" He said picking up the controller and sitting beside you. You two played games until he had to go.

When He Asks You Out

You had been hanging out for a couple of weeks now, even though he could be really perverted he was really sweet most of the time. You and Dark Link were sitting playing video games as usual when he began to lose. It was like he wasn't even trying. You turned to look at him to see that he was already staring at you.

I love Y/N shes perfect...

"Dark are you okay?" You asked him.

"No i'm not okay and I wont be until you are mine Y/N" He said confidently.

"Yes Dark!" You smiled before hugging him.

First Kiss

You were downstairs watching TV when you heard Dark shout on you from someplace upstairs. You got up and walked into your bedroom to find it empty. You turned around only for Dark Link to smash his lips onto yours. You gasped before kissing back and he took this opportunity to shove his tongue into your mouth and he spun you round and pinned you to the wall before lifting your legs around his waist.

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