When You/He Gets/Wants a Pet

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A/N: I'm letting you choose the names for most of this because i'm lazy...

Ticci Toby


You were lying on the ground in your back yard when suddenly you are jumped on by a small puppy. You immediately sat up and began to fangirl when you saw Toby standing at the end on the garden with a huge smirk on his face.

"You like?" He twitched nervously.

"I love" You giggled hugging him and the puppy.

Jeff the Killer


You went to the mansion with Jeff and as soon as you walked in Jeff was tackled to the ground by a HUGE husky and it began licking him.

"SMILE GET OFF!!!" Jeff screamed. The big dog got off him and sat on the ground with a loud thump before noticing you and growling. "SMILE NO! Bad dog!" he scolded. "Y/N this is Smile, Smile this is Y/N" Jeff said.

"H-hey Smile" You cowered back expecting him to attack you but instead he licked you instead.

BEN Drowned


You came home from school/work/the shop one day to find BEN sitting on the floor in silence next to a cage. The weird thing was the TV was off.

"BEN? BEN! Are you okay?" You shouted trying to snap him out of it.

"Hey babe meet P/N" He smirked at you and held up a tiny hamster.

"Awwww" You cooed over it before turning the xbox/playstation/whatever on.

Eyeless Jack


E.J wanted a kitten but you had said no.

"Please Y/N!" He complained.

"Jack no! You'll eat it's kidneys" You tried to reason.

"No I wont!!! Please Y/N I'll be good!!! I'll look after it and feed it and clean..." He trailed on.


"Yay!" He cheered before running out of the door. 



"No Slendy" You said.

"But Y/NNNNNN!!!" He wined like a 2 year old.

"No you wont look after it and you know it" You argued. He went and got a bunny anyway.


"Please babe?" Smexy asked. He had been begging you for a puppy for ages and you had said no because you knew he wouldn't look after it.

"No." You said once again.

"Please~" He begged again.

"SMEXY I SAID NO NOW SHUT THE HELL UP!!!" You shouted at him.

"O-okay then" He said slightly taken back by you shouting.


(Baby Goat)

"Trender? That's a goat..." You said.

"But how can you say no to its adorable cuteness?" He cooed over it.

"Fine but im not cleaning it" You said knowing that you weren't going to win this one.

Laughing Jack


You had wanted a pet for ages but you never discussed it with L.J so you decided to surprise him with one anyway. After you got it BEN had came over to visit you and being the pervert he was he broke your parrot. Jack just happened to walk into the room when you were arguing with the parrot.

"Nice ass babe" The parrot squawked.

"Shut the hell up" You screamed at it.

"What the hells going on?" Jack screamed bursting into the room.

"BEN broke my parrot" you pouted.

Dr Smiley

You were walking through the mall with Smiley when you passed a pet shop.

"babe can we get a c..." He asked.


"Okay then"



None of you wanted a pet but when you found a stray puppy you couldn't help but fall in love with it.

"Maskkkkkyyyy..... can we pleasssse keep it" You begged.

"Fine" He said rolling his eyes. "but you can clean up after it"




You and Hoodie had talked about getting a pet for a while and you both really wanted one so you went to the pet shop to look for one you both liked.

"What about this one?" Hoodie asked pointing to a parrot.

"Too loud. How about... OH MY GOD LOOK AT THAT PUPPY!!!" You shouted running over to it.

"I guess we're getting this one then" Hoodie laughed as you played with the puppy.



He went and bought a goldfish because you were both too lazy to look after anything else

Bloody Painter


"No." Usually you would just give up and let him get his way but not this time. He was begging you for a snake. A huge creepy snake (sorry if you like them).

"Pleeeaassseee I wont let it eat you" Helen moaned again.

"Your not making it any better" You said before walking out of the room.

Dark Link


You walked into your room to see Darkness running around like mad as if he was trying to catch something.

"Spike you little shit stay still!" He groaned. He eventually dived onto the ground and caught whatever he was chasing.

"Dark? What the hell are you doing?" You asked him confused.

"Y-Y/N... Meet Spike!" He giggled holding up a baby hedgehog.

"Okay then..." You said before backing out of the room.


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