Chapter 1

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Kara's POV

          I was celebrating with the gang when I see something falling through the atmosphere, and I immediately fly to the scene. When I get there, I realize that it is a pod, that looks very similar to the one that I arrived to Earth in. Inside it is an unconscious man, and there is only one thought in my mind, 'What if he is another survivor of Krypton?' I decide to fly him back to the DEO, wondering if he is truly another survivor; another person who knows what I went through; who remembers the culture of my home planet, unlike Kal-El, who was too little to remember anything.

          None of the tests have told us anything, and he won't wake up. I have to go to work, but when I get there my boss, Cat, tells me I have to decide what career path I want to pursue. Everything is becoming so stressful! I have my date with James, I have to chose what job I want, and this mysterious stranger won't wake up.

          To add on top of it all, I get the news that the Venture launch, which was going to be the first commercial spacecraft, has been sabotaged, so I rush over during my date. When I get there, you won't believe who I saw. Kal-El was already there, ready to help! I've always wanted to work with him, and I finally have gotten the chance.  

          Now I am flying with my cousin back to the DEO. There is some light banter, but nothing too important. All of the stress I had been facing today has seemingly vanished, and I feel light-hearted. I ask him about Lois, and he asks me if I'm dating anyone.

          Rao! I forgot that I was on a date with James. I'll have to apologize later, because we are almost at the DEO. I can't believe that I could forget something like that. I guess I was just so excited to work with my brother.

          When we arrive, I see Winn freaking out. He runs up to us and looks at Superman, then me, then Superman again.

          "You're... You're... You're Superman! I can't believe you're here. What are you doing in National City? Man, can you sign my poster. Actually, can you sign my arm too. I want to walk around and just be like 'Hey, I met Superman. He was pretty cool.', you know?" Winn said, obviously fanboying out over meeting my cousin, not taking a second to breath.

          "Woah, catch a breath my friend." Kal-El says, really calm, even though Winn is nearly hyperventilating. 

          "Oh my god! Superman just called me his friend!" Winn looks like he is going to faint if this keeps up. I should probably change the subject, maybe I'll introduce Alex or J'onn. Before I have to take action, J'onn walks over to Kal-El, and I can already tell they have some history. They look at each other, but then quickly look away.

          "Nice to see you sir." My cousin said, clearly uncomfortable.

          "What are you doing here?" J'onn asks. Though it seems nice, there is a hint of anger in his voice.

          "Oh, I just wanted to visit Kara, but then I got news about the Venture, so I went to do that first, and there she was. I should have known that she would be helping the people of this city, just like I should have known that you don't trust me."

          "Wait, why doesn't J'onn trust you?" I ask, puzzled on why anyone wouldn't trust my cousin.

          "Your friend here has a stockpile of Kryptonite, you know, just in case I get out of line." Man, I knew there was something up between Kal-El and J'onn, but this is far beyond what I had thought.

          Before the situation could escalate, Alex comes into the room. She runs up to me, and I greet her with a hug. Then she looks up at Superman, and thanks him for being with me at the Venture with me.

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