Chapter 6

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Alex's POV

          We had been working with Mon-El, trying to figure out what powers he has, and what he doesn't have, when Maggie calls me.

          "Hey Danvers, do you want to see a dead body?" Frankly, I'm not surprised she greeted me like that. She has called a few times, asking me to help her with a case. We worked it out easily, but she often starts the conversation like that. I tell her that I am on my way, leaving Kara and Winn to deal with Mon-El. As soon as I arrive, Detective Sawyer hands me some gloves.

          "Homeless guy found it about an hour ago. The other cops won't go near it." We walk over to the car, Maggie opening the trunk. "Figured it wasn't a Halloween costume." Kara lands next to us, shocking both Maggie and me. "Oh, right. I forgot you two were buddies."

          "Do we know what species he was?" I don't recognize it that much. 

          "He's Scyvillan." Kara knows immediately. That is one plus to having an alien sister, along with many others.

          "He's got months of scar tissue built up. Heavy bruising on the knuckles. He didn't just go down fighting, he made a habit of it." Maggie is a pretty good detective, I'll give her that. She makes good deductions, and is hardworking, something I can admire.

          "That doesn't make sense. Scyvilla is a utopia, peaceful. They don't fight; they hardly even argue." I wonder if Kara has ever been to Scyvilla. It sounds like she has, but I can't be sure. Maybe I'll ask her later.

          "Defending himself." It makes sense to me, but Maggie shakes her head.

          "There is no skin under his fingernails."

          "You're right. He couldn't have been the defender, but maybe the aggressor?"

          "Bar fight gone bad?"

          "Maybe somebody accidentally kills him, panics."

          "Dumps the body." At this point, I think we are making Kara dizzy. She keeps looking left to right, as if our conversation is a tennis match, going back and forth. Bouncing ideas off each other. I reach done, moving the blanket that was covering him. There is a bone sticking out or talon sticking out of his shoulder.

          "It looks like our killer is an alien too." I say, examining the bone.

          "You should take that back to the super lab, run some tests on it."

          "That's what I was thinking."

          "Well, it seems you two have got it handled." Supergirl contributes, which she hasn't in a while. Maggie and I have been theorizing, so she hasn't had much to say.

          "Maybe you could go over this with your contacts on the street?"

          "I've already made a few calls, but I'll follow up them." I wave to Kara for her to follow me. She complies, looking really confused.

          "What?" I ask, feeling that she is a bit uncomfortable.

          "Oh, its nothing. I just haven't seen you work that well with anyone before." She smiles, and we head back to the DEO to train Mon-El some more. Well, for Kara to train Mon-El some more. I go the the lab, running the tests on the bone. I figure who the bone belongs to later that night, so I call up Maggie, and we go to an alley that was the last place he was seen. When we go to talk to him, a group of masked men attack us, kidnapping the alien. Well, that was a bust. We say goodbye, both a bit upset about not being able to talk to the alien.

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