Chapter 9

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Rudy Jones's POV

          I'm a scientist working in an Artic base. You see, I'm a strong believer of climate change. It is so obvious, I don't know why people deny it. If I have to freeze my ass off to prove it, I will in a heartbeat. I here I am, doing just that.

          "Dr. Jones, I want you to see this." I nod, walking off with Mary, my coworker. She takes me into a room with a giant white wolf. "We found him in the ice. We believe he was in there for over 5,000 years. Want to know the weird thing? He is still warm."

          "How long as he been out of the ice."

          "Thirty minutes." I put on gloves, then go to touch the wolf. Thirty minutes isn't long enough for it to thaw that much. This is my least favorite part. I take a deep breath, sticking my hand inside a small cut we made in his stomach.

          Shit! As I am feeling inside him, something latches onto me. That was a serious jumpscare. It is probably just a worm or something, which is strange. How could anything be alive after 5,000 years in ice? I pull it out if the wolf, and immediately regret it.

          The next thing I remember, I am not in the Artic anymore. It isn't the warmest place I've been, but it is definitely not freezing. I look around, and a young girl walks up to me with a surprised look on her face.

          "You woke up? Hello, my name is Alex. You are at the DEO currently, which is a government run facility here in National City. I have run some basic tests, and you seem okay. Do you remember anything about the outpost." I shake my head.

           "No, the last thing I remember is searching inside a wolf that was under was under the ice. I tried to pull something out of it, and then I wake up here."

          "Okay, thank you. I'll leave you alone for a bit, you probably want to gather your thoughts." I wave goodbye. Good, she is finally gone. The people here need better security. I am able to walk out of the DEO without anyone questioning it. While I walk around the city, I get a call from my boss.

          "We heard what happened in the Artic Outpost. Can you meet me in my office."

          "Alright. I'll be there as soon as possible." I walk over to the office, which, by my luck, is in National City. The building is huge, so it isn't very easy to miss. I walk in, and there he is. My boss.

          "Hello Dr. Jones. It is nice to see you again."

          "Its nice to see you too sir. Why have you called me in?"

          "As you know, our company is based on global warming. But I have had complaints about you. You are have a very extreme stance on global warming. Before the, um, incident at your outpost, we had gotten reports that you fought somebody because they disagreed with you. That sort of short temper can't be tolerated in this company. I am sorry, honestly, but I have to let you go."

          "You'll regret this." I have the sudden urge to attack him. I want to hurt him. I rush at him, picking him up by the neck. Then, the unthinkable happens. I feel stronger, but at the same time I watch him grow weaker. Memories flash back from the outpost. It was me. I killed my coworkers. I feel guilty, but I also feel I did the right thing. I feel great, like I can do anything I desire. This should be an interesting few days. How much longer until those people at the DEO find out about me?

Alex's POV

          I tell J'onn and Winn what Rudy told me. Then, I go out to the bar where Maggie wanted to meet. We have been hanging out more and more as time progresses. I would easily say she is my best friend, if you don't count Kara. As time goes on, I start to get worried. Maggie still hasn't come. Just as I was about to call her, she walks into the bar.

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