Chapter 11

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Cyborg Superman's POV

          Lillian will be very happy. I have forced my way into the Fortress of Soulitude with Supergirl's blood. Lillian has heard of a thing called Medusa, which is a virus that Supergirl's father created. I have been sent to fetch it, and I have.

Alex's POV

          Thanksgiving. Damn, time has flown by. I feels like just yesterday I was still straightening my hair, not a gay thought in my mind. Now, I've even dating Maggie for a little over two weeks. I think it is a bit early to bring her to Thanksgiving dinner, but Kara is bringing Lena, so I am bringing Maggie. I don't think there is anything going on between Lena and Kara, but Maggie ships it. The one thing scaring me about this dinner is that I have to come out to everyone. But Maggie will be there this time, supporting me.

          Anyways, here we are, at Kara's apartment. Kara invited our mom, Lena, Maggie, Winn, J'onn(AKA Space Dad), James, and Mon-El. Everyone but Lena has shown up, but Kara got a call from here saying she is on her way. I see James and Winn whispering in a corner, so I leave Maggie for a second and walk over to them.

          "What's going on?" Look, I may be slightly tipsy at this point. What's the point of Thanksgiving if you don't get drunk, right?

          "We are planning on telling Kara about James being the Guardian."



          "I have a big announcement, I have to make that first."

          "What's your announcement?"

           "I guess you'll just have to wait." I walk away to go talk to Detective Dimples. She is so great. I feel like I could get lost in her eyes. She catches me staring, and starts laughing.

          "Danvers, you are so cute."

          "Which Danvers? There are a total of three in this room." She just smiles at me, I can tell that she would have just kissed me, but I haven't come out quite yet, so that will have to wait.

          "I think you have had enough to drink." Kara swoops in, taking the half-empty(or half-full??) beer out of my hand. Wow, rude. She puts it in the fridge, but then there's a knock at the door, presumably Lena, so I take it back sneakily, causing Maggie to start laughing again.

          It was Lena, so we get the dinner started. Eliza, Kara, J'onn, and James cooked the turkey, stuffing, corn, etc. I have finished my beer, and I am now starting on a glass of wine. The more I think about it, the more I think Maggie was right. Kara is looking at Lena a lot, smiling, laughing, kind of similar to how I act around Maggie. Maybe she does like her. I make a mental note to ask her later.

          "We are here tonight because, you know, food is great." I say, starting to stand, only to stumble a bit on my chair, earning a giggle from Detective Dimples. "So I'm thankful for a lot. I'm thankful for all you. I love you Kara. Speaking of love..." I'm surprised at how good my transition was, but since don't have time to use it because a big ass blue thing appears over the table, disappearing after a few seconds. "What the fuck?"

           "Is this a typical Danvers Thanksgiving?" Very funny Lena. I'm shocked it wasn't Maggie who said it.

          "I should go to the DEO, see what just happened." I walk out, followed by everyone but Lena and Maggie, who look at each other then go with the crowd. Well, they don't go to the DEO, Kara walks Lena to her car, James goes to his car, and Maggie just kind of disappears. She is short, so this happens sometimes. Anyways, most of us go to the DEO. We are all pretty stunned about the random portal thing; what are you supposed to do when this happens?

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