Chapter 12

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Kara's POV

 Hello readers! Sorry for the cliffhanger last chapter. Let me catch you up.

So, Barry and Cisco dropped in on Lena and I kissing, as you know. Then, I went to their Earth to fight aliens called The Dominators. I got mindcontrolled, then I got unmindcontrolled, then I got beamed up into the alien's ship along with all the heros, expect for Barry. They all had a dream about Oliver's wedding, but I wasn't there. My dream was arguably better. Let's just say that the dream included Lena, me, and her office. Yeah, I'm sure you guessed it.

Anyways, Cisco and Oliver's friends saved us from the ship. More stuff happened, there was explosions and time travel. I wasn't part of the latter, though I wish I was. How cool would it be to time travel? So, we figured some things out, then we faced off the aliens head-to-head. We won, obviously, since I am writing this.

There you go, that is what you missed on Earth One. Now, for what has happened since then. Alex and Maggie haven't been talking. They got into a fight shortly after I came back because Maggie was mad Alex was hiding something from her. I still hope they will get back together, but I don't know. It has been about a month since they split, so I am getting worried. I feel a bit responsible for the, breaking up, since she was hiding my identity.

Then there is Lena and me. We have been dating. Well, sort of. She is really great, and I could gush about her for hours. She has just been very busy with L-Corp, or as I like to call it, Lesbian Corp. Sometimes I worry about Lena. She has downswings where she doesn't want to hang out with anyone, but she makes an exception for me. When that happens I end up just holding her. I'm not complaining at all, I just want her to be happy.

I have been working really hard for CatCo, but Snapper keeps assigning me stuff about "The Guardian". This guy pisses me off. He pretends to be a hero, but he isn't. He just gets in my way. But money is money, and a hero, even a subpar one, is better than nothing.

As for the Supergirl aspect of things, it has been slow. I haven't been doing much, only the occasional robbery. Luckily for me, well, not really lucky. A woman came into Catco, asking Snapper for help finding her missing daughter named Izzy. Snapper, being the jerk he is, declined her, saying that he needed his coffee and a danish before doing anything. I had been so bored, I excitedly accepted.

Now, you all are caught up! I'm on my way to see Maggie, so I can see if she needs any help. Who knows, maybe I can talk her into giving Alex another chance. I love my sister, and I want her to be happy, even if that means telling her that I am Supergirl.

When I get there, Maggie is working on some paperwork. I wave, walking up to her. She nods in my direction, invested in what she is doing. She looks exhausted, with dark bags under her eyes. When I ask her how she is doing, she just shrugs.

"I assume you are here for a reason." The detective says, finally looking up from what she had been doing.

"I am. I'm curious about the missing persons cases. Do you have any information on a girl named Izzy?"

"Let me check," She scrolls the files on her computer. "There are definitely more cases recently. Here she is." Maggie turns the computer towards me. On the screen, I see information about Izzy, including where she was last seen.

"Have you been able to find any connections between the cases?"

"No, we haven't." Maggie says, shaking her head.

"Alright. Thank you Detective." I turn around, hesitating. Should I tell her? "You should talk to Alex again. She seems pretty sad about you guys breaking up, and I am noticing a decrease in her productivity at work."

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