Chapter 10

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Kara's POV

          We have been searching for Mon-El for a week, and haven't been able to find him. It is stressing me out. One moment he's here, the next he's gone. Winn has been going through security footage, and hasn't found anything. We can't really do anything else until we have some sort of idea about where he is. Lena has been helping, which is super thoughtful, but he just disappeared without a trace. Then, everything changed. We got a breakthrough, even if it wasn't an ideal one.

          "Hello Supergirl. This is CADMUS. We have your little friend, you know, Mon-El. If you want to see him alive again, come to 53 Fern Street, alone, or we will kill him. See you soon." I flew off as soon as we got the call, not thinking it through, just going. Even if Mon-El is a pain in my butt, he is still my friend, and I don't leave a friend behind.

          When I arrive, I am met with no forces, nothing. I walk along the halls, getting a feeling of premonition. It all seems like a scene out of a horror film, and any minute, some monster will jump out and try to bite off my head. So empty, eerie. Then, I see something move down the hallway. I see the glint of metal. I hear a metallic thang. Then, the thing cuts right in front of me. It's J'onn? No, it's not. It's Hank! He has metal implants on his face, arm, and leg though. What's going on?


          "It isn't Hank anymore. I am Cyborg Superman."

          Before I have time to process anything more, he is punching and kicking me, pushing me against the wall. I take a few hits before I realize that I should probably fight back. I guess you could say that he knocked some sense into me.(sorry not sorry) Anyways, I spin around, causing Hank to run into the wall. I fly him through the wall, arriving in an open area that resembles a warehouse. It has cells, and that's when I see Mon-El. He was previously sitting on the ground, but stood up when we crashed through.

          I got distracted. I flew over to him, trying to open the cell. Then, Hank knocked me out. When I woke up, I was sitting in the cell next to Mon-El.

          "You found me." Mon-El sounds a little bitter, but also a bit happy.

          "I'm sorry we couldn't find you sooner. We have been lookin for you, its just that CADMUS covered their tracks really well."

          "I see you are awake Supergirl."

          "Who are you?" She looked a little older than Eliza.

          "I'm Lillian Luthor. I've heard you have been talking to my daughter."

          "You are Lena's mom?" Just the thought of Lena makes me happy.

          "Yes, I am. And you are ruining her, poisoning her mind with kind words, meaningless sentences."

          "Everything I say to Lena is honest." Then I remember she doesn't know I'm Kara, and she doesn't know my ever-increasing feelings for her.

          "Oh, I'm sure. Because she knows your identity for sure."

          "I don't tell her so she won't be a target, so she will be safe."

          "As long as she talks to you, she isn't safe. She could be like Lex; she could trust a super, just to have them stab her in the back. You are no better than all the other aliens. That is why I hate aliens. You hurt my family, you hurt everyone."

          "I would never stab Lena in the back. Not all aliens are bad. In fact, most are good. You are just focusing on the negatives, and missing the positives in the process. Why did you even capture Mon-El in the first place?"

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