Chapter 12

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Chapter Twelve- Inseperable


My phone rings, waking me up from my stagnation, I sit up irritated and reach over and grab it from the nightstand, once I press the lock button the brightness of the screen damn near blinda me. I see that it is Lia calling, we've been communicaiting so she believes that we are friends, but I wish she wouldn't call.

I look over at Makeila to make sure that the ringing is not waking her, once I see that she is still asleep I rise out of the bed and go out on the balcony.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Um Hey Zayn...y-you busy?"

"Yes I'm busy sleeping Lia, it's 12am out here." I murmur.

She gasp. "Oh i-I'm sorry I forgot, I just needed someone to talk to, I don't have many friends so I tho—"

"I've been meaning to talk to you about this Lia." I cut her sentence short. "You can't call me anymore, a'ight?"

"Why not?" She questions with brashness, I can tell that she is offended. "What the problem Zay?"

I scrabble through my wooly hair and lean on the rail of the terrace. "The problem is where not as close as we use to be and I have a wife...I can't be talking to you like that."

"I'm not trying to interfere with anything between you and your wife, trust me. I just called because I needed someone to talk to."

"Well I'm sorry Lia, I can't really be there for y—"

"My mama died." She cries out. I blankly stare at the ground and take a deep breath. I knew Lia's mother, Cristal. Her and I was really close when Lia and I was together, that woman motivated me, she didn't like me in the beginning but I proved to her that I could be good man towards her daughter, but of coure those thoughts changed once I got locked.

"Zayn are you there?" She wails.

"Yeah." I rub my forehead. "I'm here. Um...I'm so sorry Lia, I know how much she meant to you."

" she got an a car accident. I-I just, Zay-- I'm so sorry to bother you!" She cries harder, I can tell that she is in a lot of mental pain.

"You're not bothering me Lia...I'm to me."

"You sure?"

I look over my shoulder and eyeball Makeila as she wriggles in her sleep. "Yeah I'm sure, I'm listening."

"A car accident Zayn...I just don't know what to do..she died yesterday morning and I've been holding myself tryna stay strong for Bianca and Trell...but it's hard."

"Just take it slow, one day at a time more."

Next Morning

"Yeah it's a nice place man." Kyro says, a man who is showing me one of his properties that use to be a night club. "You're gonna have to get the plumbing fix and get it all done up and fancy like..but hey I ain't have much trouble with it, I just sold it to get some extra cash.

The edifice is just the right size for me, but he's right I am going to have to put a lot of work into it, to get it up to par. The black floor is and unclean, the walls are going to have to be painted and designed, now the paint is chipped off it and it's very grimy, and the dance poles standing around are rusty, I'm going to have to get them removed and get some more placed in.

"It's nothing I can't manage." I stuff my hands in my pocket and turn to him. "How much Kyro?"

"Hm..." He lifts his glasses up and rub his hands together. $25,000 to own.."

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