Chapter 16

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Chapter Sixteen- Questions


I pull into Chanice's parking lot, so I can pick up Jazir and spend some time and money on him. It's been weeks since I've met my son and I have to say that it is a joy being around him, having kids can really make a nigga soft but I consider it a good think. He's still very quiet and sad about Chanelle's death, so he doesn't really talk much.

But I've been making sure to keep him around my family and I, so he know's that he is a lot alone.

I get out of the car and press the buzzer to the apartment.

Buzz Buzz

The door drones and unlocks it self, I go upstairs and see Chanice already standing in the door way with a smile on her. "Hey sir." She greets happily and hugs me.

"Hey girl." We enter the apartment and I see that a full plate of food is sitting on the dining room table, I'm sure that it's Jazir, because he doesn't eat much.

"You want something to drink or something?' She offers.

"I'm good. He still ain't eating his food?"

"Yeah you know how he is, but I got him to eat some eggs and a banana earlier. He's in the back laying down, what you plan on doing with him today?"

"Take him out for some icecream, then head back to my place and take him and the rest of the fam out to Olive Garden." I respond, before taking a seat on the couch.

"Sounds good. You know I've been meaning to ask you for a little help."

"With what?"

"I want to get therapy for Joz and also want to get him into a nice private school, but you know it comes with a cost." She informs me, it's good, but for awhile I've been contemplating on weather or not I wanted to move him to New York with me, once these three months go by we will be closer and he'll be more comfortable with me.

"Chanice, I was actually thinking about taking lil man to New York with me when I move."

"Zayn...I don't know if that's a good idea. He just met you and he really doesn't know anyone out side of his mom, dad and me. I know you're his biological father and all..but I just can't let you do that, atleast not now , let him get older hun." She gives me her honest opinion, which is asbsoulotely correct. This is one of the reasons why moving out there is bad idea, I have a son who needs me. But now it's too late already bought a house and building there.

I dip my head and rub my chin. "You're right. But how about you atleast let me have him for the summer..shit you can come to if you want. My wife and I bought this big ass house...y'all can stay or I can get you a little room if you want some privacy."

"We'll talk about it when the time comes, okay?"


"Tee Tee?" We both turn around to see Jazir, standing in the middle of the hall way, rubbing his eyes.

Chanice gives him a warm smile, I love how she interacts with him and treat him more than a nephew. "Hey baby! Your dad is here to get you."

He comes into the living room and runs into my arms, this shit nearly melts my heart, because it's the first time he ever gave me a hug on his own. "Aye lil missed me?" I ruffle his curly fro, he nods his head in response and cracks a small smile.

"A'ight ima take you to go get some icecream and we gon go toy shopping"

'Jazir go get dress into the clothes I put on her your bed." Chanice orders him to do and rub his head as he walks away to do what he is told.

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