11. I'm A Targaryen (Jorah Mormont X Reader)

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The boiling sun practically cooked the remaining Khalasar

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The boiling sun practically cooked the remaining Khalasar. Daenerys had just lost her child and burnt Khal Drogo's body. But from those ashes, she was gifted with three new children. Dragons. Three incredible tiny dragons. Daenerys wondered if there were any other dragons in the world. Everyone said that they were all gone, yet here she was with three of them to call her own. So there could be a chance for another dragon to appear.

One member of the Khalasar who was astonished by the dragons was Jorah Mormont. When he watched his Khaleesi walk into that fire he expected to find her blackened bones among the ashes. Except her saw her alive without a burn. That was the day he became fully devoted to her. He would give his life to save her if he had to.

The Khalasar had decided to take a break against the cracked ground. The Khaleesi rested under a canopy stroking one of her dragons. A black one with a few red highlighted scales. He purred and rubbed his head against her fingers, since his head was so small.

"Do you need any water, Khaleesi?" Jorah asked, kneeling down to her height.

"I'm fine, Jorah" Daenerys politely declined "Let someone else in the Khalasar have it".

"They truly are incredible" Jorah said, admiring the dragons.

"I'm thinking of names" Daenerys smiled "I think I'll name them from my family. The green one Rhaegal, the cream one Viserion".

"And that one?" Jorah asked, pointing to the black dragon.

"Drogon" she said, sadly. Jorah looked down, not responding. "Do you think there are any other dragons in the world?".

"Only yours, Khaleesi" Jorah answered, truthfully. He never believed dragons would come back and yet they had. It was a one in a million chance. So the odds of finding another dragon in this world were astronomical.

"I wish my sister could see them" she wished.

"Your sister?" Jorah said confused.

"Viserys told me that Rhaegar had a twin sister, (Y/N)" Daenerys explained "but she disappeared one day. Like a puff of smoke. I wish I could meet her, see if she's kind and caring or like ... Viserys".

"Ah, I remember now. I heard rumours she passed away when Rhaegar died on the battle field. But I also heard that no one ever saw her after her 12th name day. That your father wanted to keep her away from suitors since she was so beautiful, reminded him of her mother".

"Only my father would do that" Daenerys sighed before standing up "We should get moving".

It was nearly nightfall when the Khalasar were halfway through a canyon. There were many twits and turns that the Khalasar were thankful for. It provided them some shade from the scorching sun. Daenerys rubbed her head when some pebbles fell at the side of the canyon wall. She looked at them confused but brushed it of as nothing. Jorah noticed them too. Ever since they had walked in this part of the canyon he had an uneasy feeling. Like someone or something was watching them. Irri looked up the canyon walls. She wondered where they were going but she was pulled out of thought when she saw something disappear over a the top of the canyon. It looked like ... a tail.

"Khaleesi!" She called, making Daenerys stop and turn to her.

"What is it?" Daenerys asked. Irri walked over to her and pointed to the top of the canyon.

"I think I just saw something" Irri informed "It looked like a tail".

"A tail?" Daenerys said, confused "What so you mean-?". She was cut off by a loud sound. A roar from a large creature. It echoed against the cave walls, making every person in the Khalasar wide eyed and fearful. They spoke among themselves when a shadow passed over them. It disappeared before they had a chance to look.

"Jorah, what was that?" Daenerys said, herself and the whole Khalasar looking forward. Jorah shrugged and looked around the canyon.

"Khaleesi!" Jorah yelled, pushing her out the way. A second later a hard pressure wrapped around his waist, lifting him from the ground.

"Jorah!" Daenerys cried, watching her closed friend get taken. She was fearful at the sight of the magnificent creature. A white ... dragon. It roared as it flew away, slightly tightening its grip on Jorah. He grunted as he grabbed a small knife from his boot, since his sword was trapped against his body. This dragon would most likely burn him alive and he didn't want to die like that. He managed to pull his arm free before bringing the knife down into the dragon's foot. It screeched in pain, releasing Jorah from it grasp. Jorah let out a yell as he fell. The dragon roared like it was concerned, quickly dived down. Before Jorah could fall to his death the dragon held each arm in each clawed paw. To make sure that he didn't try to attack it again. He tried to pull his arms free but it was no use. The dragon's hold was too strong. The dragon flew to an open area, starting to fly low to the ground. Jorah felt it before he saw it. The dragon above him started to heat up. He could just make out the bright glow coming from its mouth before he saw the fire burn the floor. The dragon breathed the fire in lines for a few minutes, which confused Jorah. If this dragon wanted to eat him why didn't it just do it? The dragon seemed to have finished, flying away from the ground to a great height above it. Jorah kept his eyes on the dragon's head. It growled and used one of its claws to push his head down to the floor. He fought against it but realised what the dragon wanted him to see. His eyes widened at the sight The dragon had breathed fire for a reason. To spell out a sentence, reading.


Jorah stared at the dragon in shock. It looked down at him, a solemn look on its face. Only then he realised the dragon's purple eyes. Purple eyes, white scales that represented the silver hair of a Targaryen. Then he realised something. The only Targaryen know to be alive was Daenerys. But no one ever knew what happened to (Y/N) Targaryen. He thought he was mad but he asked the dragon the only question he could muster.

"Are you ... (Y/N) Targaryen?" He questioned. The dragon nodded. It was true. It was you. The dragon was you, (Y/N) Targaryen.

So, I've finally done a Jorah imagine. Jorah is another of my most loved characters and I feel like he doesn't get enough love. I guess people are still pissed that he spied on Dany for Robert but he's saved her a number of times. And thank all Seven Gods for Sam! If you're watching this season of Game Of Thrones and not waiting for the whole season, you'd know what I'm talking about.
Anyway, hope you enjoyed.
See ya 'round.✌️
And remember ...
"Winter ... Is Here"

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