19. I'm a Targaryen (Jorah Mormont X Reader) Part 2

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Daenerys' eyes searched the sky, worry written over her face

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Daenerys' eyes searched the sky, worry written over her face. Her dearest friend just taken by a dragon. A magnificent beast. She started to wish that her dragon's were the only ones. Jorah was most likely dead and she didn't know where that dragon was. For all she knew, it could've been flying straight back towards them for another meal.

"Khaleesi?" Rakkaro said, concerned for her "We ... we need to move". Daenerys didn't speak. There was no use. Jorah was gone and she had her people to think about. Fighting the tears, she nodded. Rakkaro gave a small nod, knowing he to had lost a friend. She turned, walking away from the opening of the canyon back towards her people when she heard something in the distance. She turned back to see a figure in the sky. Thinking it was a bird she took a step closer, squinting to see better. Only when it closer did she realise what it was.

"Khaleesi, get behind us!" Rakkaro yelled, the best fighters remaining in the Khalasar standing in front of her. Whatever weapons they had held in front of them, ready to fight this beast for their queen. The white dragon's wings flapped, blowing sand in their faces as it landed. It growled, bearing its teeth as the fighters readied their weapons.

"Nakho!" (Stop) someone yelled from behind the beasts neck. Daenerys' eyes widened when the dragon lowered its head to reveal Jorah behind, sat between two of the dragon's spikes. Everyone's eyes widened as the dragon turned to its side, leaning its neck close to the ground so Jorah could get off. The dragon backed away slightly as Jorah walked towards the Khalasar. Daenerys passed the safety of her men to meet Jorah half way.

"How?" She asked, both happy and astonished.

"Khaleesi, I know this sounds ... insane but she - she won't hurt us" Jorah said looking back to the dragon.

"Jorah, how are you alive? How did you control it?" She questioned, her eyes flicking back and forth from the dragon and Jorah.

"Khaleesi ... I - I don't know how but ... she - she's (Y/N) Targaryen" he whispered so none of the Khalasar could hear.

"What?!" Daenerys said, eyes widening and staring at Jorah like he was crazy.

"If she wasn't (Y/N), why would I be here? If that was a real dragon, without a conscience, I would be dead. Why would it bring me back?" Jorah said, trying to convince her. Daenerys looked passed Jorah, the dragon looking down as if it was embarrassed or felt awkward. She walked passed Jorah, trying to show as little fear as she can as she walked towards the dragon. Its eyes lightened up, slowly taking steps towards the queen. Soon they stood in front each other, the dragon's head in level with Daenerys' body.

"Sister?" Daenerys whispered, hand reaching out to touch it. The dragon let out a loud purring like noise before pressing the front of its snout against her palm. Daenerys smiled, tears lightly filling her eyes as she rubbed the snout. The Khalasar smiled lightly but none had smiled bigger than Jorah. He didn't know why but he felt honoured to be the one, who brought these two sisters, back together. Even if one was a real dragon.

*Time Skip*

It was night when the Khalasar decided to rest. They had to rest on the open plain under the full moon. The dragon had scoped out the area beforehand to make sure it was safe for her younger sister. Jorah sat near the fire as most of the Khalasar slept. Daenerys sat opposite him, her baby dragon's sleeping by her side as she watched the dragon. It was lied out, head on the ground as its large body made up most of the perimeter. The purple eyes drifting down until they final closed.

Suddenly, a bright blue light appeared from the dragon's chest. It pulled away into a little ball. Jorah stood up, hand grasping his sword as the ball only grew until it started to form a shape. Daenerys eyes widened as it took the shape of a woman, eyes closed. Jorah looked confused, the blue figure eyes open a deeper blue than the rest of its body.

"Sister" you spoke, looking at Daenerys then down at your blue hand.

"(Y/N)?" Daenerys said, standing up and walking over your blue form.

"It's me" you smiled, your hand reached out to touch Daenerys' cheek "How you've grown".

"What - how?" Daenerys stuttered, looking you up and down. She could see through you, see the dragon behind you. Like a ghost.

"This happens every night" you answered "The dragon by day, this by night".

"How did you know where we were?" Jorah questioned, standing next to Daenerys.

"I flew near Pentos and I heard the story of a white haired girl being married to a great Khal. There are only one family with white hair" you explained, only then noticing the bruises forming on his forearm "I am sorry, for taking you. I was actually aiming for you Dany. I knew that if I took you, you would understand but I had to work with what I had".

"How ... how are you like this?" Jorah said slowly, since he thought it might of been a touchy subject.

"My twelfth name day, father had wronged a woman, burning her husband. She cursed me to become the creature on our banners. He chained me away in the Dragon Pit.

But when he died and the Lannister's came, I escaped

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But when he died and the Lannister's came, I escaped. Flying across the Narrow Sea to live. When I found out about you I knew I had to find you" you informed "You should rest, in the morning we need to find somewhere you and your people can stay". Daenerys nodded walking away, leaving you and Jorah alone. "You care for her don't you?".

"Of course" Jorah nodded "She's my queen".

"I will be there to protect her, no matter the cost" you spoke before looking at him seriously "Never betray her".


This is part two of the "I'm a Targaryen" one shots. There might be another one but I don't know. School is still kicking my ass. I'm behind on homework so I'm f*cked.
Anyway, hope you enjoyed.
See ya round.
And remember ...
"Winter ... is Here"

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