38. His (The Night King X Reader) Part 2

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Ice crumbled

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Ice crumbled. Men screamed. No god came to save them. The army quiet as a mouse and motionless as a dead tree. Each rotting corpse looked on as the reanimated dragons wings flapped, gliding across a small section of the Wall. It's blue flames, cracking and melting the ice down to the ground. The dead marched forwards, with some of them parting off to the right to destroy the rest of the Nights Watch. Horses ran off in the distance but that didn't matter. It's not the horses you and your king wanted to kill. Cold winds rose, your hair fluttering back in the wind as you wrapped your arms tighter round the kings waist.

Now it was time to start destroying the noble houses.

*Time Skip*

"If the dead ever reach Winterfell we'll have the some Unsullied and the rest of the Free Folk as the the first wave" Jon informed as his fingers glided over the map "Hopefully by then we will have had many dragon glass weapons made".

"Unfortunately without the help of the Lannister army the Dothraki will have to take up the west side. If we split them apart we could do a pincer move" Jaime suggests, leaning over the table.

After Jaime left Kings Landing and finally seeing Cersei's true side he traveled to Winterfell. Half way there Bronn joined him, claiming that their was nothing left for him in King Landing. Thought he should see one final battle before an untimely death might catch up to him.

"Some of the strongest Dothraki will have to stay with Daenerys, in order to protect her" Tyrion reminded, looking over at her "and the dragon's will have to remain away from the battle for now. We've lost one dragon, we can't lose the other two".

Daenerys looked away at the mention of her dead child. Only when she lost that child she had conceived a new one. She was pregnant. When they mentioned the slightest hint to Viserion's death her mind would go to you. The image of you being dragged under the ice was like torture to her. Her last sibling, snuffed out like a candle. But then the thought her child would soothe her frantic mind. She guessed the witch who murdered her first husband was right.

Only death pays for life.

The sudden sound of horns outside caused everyone's heads to snap up. Jon lead as the others followed. The gliding snow landed in their hair as they observed. The main gates cracked as they opened, two horses stampeding in, a rider in each of the horses clutching close to their bodies.

Jon's eyes widened as he realised who they were. He quickly marched over helping the ginger haired man down. Davos shuffled to the other horse helping the rider down. Both of them exhausted from the long sleepless ride.

"Tormund! What is it?" Jon questioned, knowing something had to be wrong. He knew Tormund wouldn't leave unless there was a serious reason. "What's wrong?".

"The Wall!" Tormund spoke, lightly raising his voice, his furs almost solid like a rock from the freezing cold "They're past it!".

"The dead! They destroyed the Wall" Gendry added, one of his arms thrown over Davos' shoulder "They're coming!".

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