14. Our Child (Jon Snow X Reader)

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Requested by Sammyismymoose

You couldn't believe it when heard it

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You couldn't believe it when heard it. Seven Hells to actually see Winterfell. Your love, Jon Snow and his army had taken back Winterfell from the Bolton's.

Before all this, you worked as a waitress in a tavern in Moles Town. It was another place for whores to hangout and get paid. It was annoying for men to grope your ass and mistake you for a whore but it was the way to make a living. Plus, you only stuck around for Gilly and her baby. Little Sam was just the cutest thing and would always brighten your day. In the mean time you had to protect Gilly from one of the whores who despised her just because she came from North of the Wall. The whore wouldn't do anything serious but you still told her to piss off. All she did was laugh, mocking you and calling Gilly your "wildling lover".

You couldn't be any happier for her death when the wildlings came. They slaughtered everyone but you, Gilly and little Sam were spared by a woman with ginger hair. After that Gilly suggested going to Castle Black, saying that she had a friend up there that could give the three of you shelter. You weren't to keen on the idea, knowing that women weren't allowed up there and that half Nights Watch was made up from criminals but it was the only option you had.

Luckily, you had made it just before an army of wildlings decided to attack. Whilst Gilly and little Sam hid, you managed to slip past Gilly's friend Sam. Not caring about what any of the Nights Watch said, you fought against the wildlings. You at least wanted to try and give Gilly a chance to survive. After the fighting was done you met the famed Jon Snow. He asked you who you were and where you came from, which you answered easily. He, along with the help of maester Aemond allowed you to stay, as well as Gilly and her child.

You stayed there through everything. Stannis Baratheon, burning of Mance Rayder, Hardhome, letting the wildling past the wall, the mutiny. When Alister Thorn and his followers plunged their daggers into Jon's heart. When Jon ... came back. It shocked you. You had seen many men die and not come back. Yet Jon did. The mutineers were hung and justice was served.

One night, against your better judgement, you went to Jon's chambers. You talked about your past and you carefully asked him about what it felt like to die. What he saw once he died. He said he saw nothing and remained silent. To try and lighten the mood you pointed out that he wasn't apart of the Nights Watch anymore. Since it was until you die and Jon had died, he had technically been freed from his vows. He seemed to agree with the idea. As if he wanted to prove it to himself he leaned over and kissed you. Normally any man that kissed you or even tried to kiss you would get a good kick in the balls, but due to some ale you had drunk before and you couldn't deny how handsome he was, you kissed him back. Only to wake up in the morning, naked as the day you were born along with Jon in his bed. It was awkward at first but you both eventually found a way to make it work. Then Sansa arrived with Brienne of Tarth and Podrick Payne from Winterfell after she had escaped from her abusive husband, Ramsey. At the same time you had found out that you night of love had given you a child. You were pregnant with Jon Snow's child. You were scared to tell him but when you saw the smile on his face all fear immediately ran from your body. He was happy.

Now you were walking through the great hall of Winterfell, looking at the details of the room. A hand on your round belly. It was tough, as you saw with most of the mothers back at the tavern.

"(Y/N)" Jon called from the head table.

"Yes?" You said, smiling as you walked to stand next to him.

"Are you feeling ok?" He asked concerned whilst placing a hand on you stomach.

"I'm fine, love" you playfully sighed "Just a few kicks, nothing I can't handle".

"The maester says that it should be here any day know" Jon reminded "I want you to take it easy. Don't need to over work yourself".

"Jon you just fought in a battle, I think I can handle a few more days of being pregnant" you huffed, lightly leaning on the table when another kick fell upon your stomach "It's been kicking an awful lot today". You smiled, moving his hand to the area the baby kicked. A smile grew on his face when he felt a bump against his palm.

Later that day, Lords and Ladies of Northern houses came to discuss the on coming winter. You sat by Jon's left since he insisted that you shouldn't stand up during the meeting. Then little Lyanna Mormont spoke harsh yet true words against the lords who refused the call. Before you knew it, they were declaring Jon "The King In The North". Everyone, chanting and cheering for their new king. During the meeting you masked you pain, it was slight but usually sudden. You just figured that it was the baby kicking again.

After the meeting you were walking through the halls with Lady Sansa when a sharp pain caused you to quickly grab the wall.

"(Y/N)! What's wrong?" Sansa asked, her eyes wide. Before you could answer you felt liquid run down you legs as the pain got worst, making you grab your stomach.

"I- I think it's time" you gasped. Sansa quickly ordered a guard to get the maester before slowly walking you to your chambers. You groaned, laying down on your bed as the maester walked in ordering the handmaidens to get certain things as Jon marched in the room. He kneeled down by your side, taking your hand in his.

"Heh, I guess it really couldn't wait to see you" you breathlessly chuckled, trying to light the mood.

"I guess it couldn't" Jon agreed, returning a smile.

"Forgive me my king, but your gonna have to leave" the maester said, making him look away from your eyes "I'm gonna need some space, your grace".

"Jon, just go. I'll be fine" you quickly said to make sure Jon didn't argue. He nodded, giving you a kiss before leaving the room along with Sansa.

Jon paced the same spot for hours on end, waiting for any news. He had heard you yelling in pain and had half a mind to go back in there but Sansa convinced him otherwise. It was nightfall when the maester exited the room, a smile on his face telling Jon that you and the baby were ok. Jon walked passed the handmaidens to see you lying on the bed, a thin layer of sweat on your forehead as you held a small bundle in your arms. He walked over to you, taking your hand like he did before whilst looking at his child.

"He's beautiful" you spoke, making a smile grow on his face.

"He" Jon repeated.

"I think I know what we should name him" you mentioned.

"What name would that be?" Jon asked, still smiling at the sight of his son.

"Eddard" you smiled, causing Jon to look up to your eyes "Don't you want to teach little Ned how to fight?".

"That's perfect" Jon agreed, kissing your lips "As you will be a great mother, ... my queen".

So, second Jon imagine. Heh, another baby one. I'm gonna say this now, this followed no specific timeline. I really enjoyed righting something like this. I still can't believe we might have to wait until 2019 till we get season 8 of GOT. 😭. I gotta go back to school tomorrow as well. Aaagggghhhh!!! So that might make updates a little slow.
Anyway, hope you enjoyed.
See ya round.✌️
And remember...
"Winter ... is Here"

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