17. Lannister Lady (Bronn X Reader)

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Tyrion whistled as he walked through the halls of the Red Keep

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Tyrion whistled as he walked through the halls of the Red Keep. He had just returned from the Errie, greeting his niece and nephews and offering his condolences to Sansa. The only thing he dreaded him was his nephew, Joffrey, who was finally king. Tyrion knew he viscous boy and now with a crown on his head, could do anything he wanted. He was just thankful he had Bronn in tow.

Bronn was nothing more than a common sell sword, now he was protecting a lord. And a Lannister at that. That meant a better pay than he had in his life, women, whatever he desired.

"Tyrion!" Someone called. Tyrion looked up for a second before he was engulfed in a hug. A flicker of long blonde her hair in the corner of his eye. He immediately knew who it was. There were only two Lannister's with blonde hair as long as that and he knew that Cersei would never hug him.

"Beloved sister" he smiled as you pulled away. You were Tyrion's twin. You were considered lucky to not have Tyrion's "condition" but you hated it when people said that. In your opinion, your younger brother was perfect. Tywin only wanted to have you shipped off to a lord, Cersei was just always a bitch, Jaime was ok but spent most of his time with Cersei but Tyrion was the only family member you felt you could talk to.

"I'm so glad you are back, safe" you smiled, placing a kiss on his cheek. It was only then did you notice Bronn next to Tyrion "Oh, I'm sorry. Who's this?".

"(Y/N), this is Bronn, he fought for me during my trial by combat at the Errie. Bronn, this is my sister, (Y/N) Lannister one of the only Lannister's that doesn't despise me" Tyrion introduced, as you stood up and curtsied.

"A pleasure" Bronn flirted, taking your soft hand in his rough one and placing a kiss on your knuckles.

"So he saved you at the Errie?" You asked, glancing at Bronn.

"Yes, when no one else would" Tyrion answered.

"Then let me show you how grateful I am" you spoke. Before Bronn knew what was going on, you had pressed your lips against his, hands cupping his cheeks. His eyes widened as you held them there for a few seconds before pulling away "I have to go, but we'll talk more later, little brother". Without another word you walked away, leaving Bronn wide eyed and almost speechless for the first time in his life. No funny comment, nothing.

"Did a Lady just snog me for no reason?" Bronn asked out loud, not caring if anyone answered.

"Yes" Tyrion answered as if it was normal "Much to my fathers despise, (Y/N) prefers the Dornish lifestyle".

"Really?" Bronn suddenly smiled, raising a brow and looking in the direction you left in. He knew all about the Dornish and their extreme "fun" lifestyle. Dornish loved to fight and fuck, and fuck and fight. Nothing better "Well, I think I need to look more into that".

"Word of advice, I wouldn't" Tyrion warned as they walked together "If my father found out you, a common sell sword, was in her bed he'd have you killed on the spot".

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