8. Future Lady (Jaime Lannister X Reader)

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Your father took your arm as you walked down the steps in the Sept

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Your father took your arm as you walked down the steps in the Sept. Being a high born lady you knew that day you would have to marry a Lord. You just never thought you would be marrying Jaime Lannister, the mighty Kingslayer. You didn't want this and you could tell that Jaime didn't want it either. The two of you had spoke a few times before, both saying how you were happy but you could see it in his eyes. He wasn't. Tywin Lannister was the most powerful man in the Seven Kigndoms but your father was the second. They wanted to have an alliance and the only way that could be secured was marriage. Your marriage. By now your father had given you hand to Jaime's and the two of walked up the rest of the steps to stand in front of the High Septon.

"You may cloak the bride and bring her under your protection" the Septon spoke. Jaime pulled off his cloak and placed it over your shoulders. The Septon continued to speak you felt eyes burning into the back of your head. You turned your head only to see Cersei Lannister glaring at you with all the hate in the Seven Kingdoms. Your throat felt tight as if she had poured Wildfire down it. You heard rumours that Cersei and Jaime were in a sexual relationship. Even though they were brother and sister. You were snapped out of thought when you felt Jaime's hand place under yours. The Septon wrapped a holy ribbon over your hands, telling the two of you to look upon each other and say the words.

"Goodbye freedom" you thought as you turned to face Jaime. He gave me a humble smile, which you returned, before the two of you said the words in union.

"Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger. I am hers and she is mine, from this day until the end of my days".

"Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger. I am his and he is mine, from this day until the end of my days".

Jaime placed a hand on your cheek and pushed his lips on yours. He left them there for a while to make it look real as people started to clap and cheer. Jaime pulled away and smiled, holding your hand in his before raising them in the air.

Soon you were sat next to Jaime at the wedding feast. People were drunk, yelling and laughing. You just stared blankly at your father who was discussing something with Lord Tywin before catching your eye. He excused himself and walked over to you.

"You his wife now. The future Lady of Castely Rock and you will have Jaime by your side" he whispered in your ear "You better give him an heir and a bloody good one at that". You said nothing and nodded. Your father walked away and seconds later you heard someone yell "Bedding Ceremony". You felt nervous and shook lightly as men started to walk over to you but they all stopped when a dagger was stabbed into the table. A dagger held by Jaime.

"There will be no bedding ceremony" he growled, a growing rage that had be held dormant spilling from his green eyes "I don't need my right hand to kill you all".

"I think we can pass on the bedding ceremony" Tywin said, trying to calm his son.

"Come my darling wife" Jaime said, venom laced in his voice as he took your hand and you walked out the room. It wasn't long before you reached your shared chambers. You walked over to the table pouring yourself a glass of wine and chugged it quickly. You knew what was coming. You stared to walk to the bed but Jaime lightly grasped your arm.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"I thought ... you'd want to ..." you stuttered "For an heir".

"You don't want that though" Jaime stated.

"No" you answered truthfully.

"My father only organised this so he can finally have me take his place at Castely Rock" Jaime confessed "If you want, we can wait until you're ready".

"Thank you" you said looking down. Jaime walked over to the table as you pulled off your wedding dress. You crawled into bed and laid there until you started to fall to sleep. However, before you did, you felt the bed dip down behind you and a arm wrap around your waist protectively. You knew then that Jaime would never dishonour you or hurt you.

So, this is my first Jaime imagine. Not as long as the other ones but they will get better. Jaime is another one of my favourite characters. I feel that he has had one of the biggest character developments in Game Of Thrones. I also feel that he will end up killing Cersi like he did the Mad King because Cersi is becoming a bit of a Mad Queen. Anyway, hope you enjoyed.
See ya around.✌️
And remember ...
"Winter ... is here".

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