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"What do you mean it's unlocked?" Raven asked. Everybody was in shock as Monty simply eased open his cell door and walked out.

"Exactly what I said." He held up his arms, slightly confused.

"How? Has it been like that for days? Why didn't you tell us?" Emori demanded.

"Phoebe. Phoebe unlocked it behind her back. I think someone's forcing her into this. Maybe they have leverage." Monty said.

"That's an awful lot you learned about someone who only opened your cage." Raven mumbled.

"Well, it's just a far-out theory, I guess." Monty nodded, as he started to try and guess the code to unlock Harper's cell.

"Really, Monty? There's 10 digits to it, 10 billion possibilities. You'll never get it, just go back to your cell." John argued.

"Be quiet, John. You sound like Phoebe when we met her. Remember, she had zero hope of ever escaping? That's you now. It's like a virus. Raven. You eavesdropped on Bellamy and Phoebe a lot. Anything that hinted at a combination? A birthday, maybe?" Monty asked. Monty tried many number combinations.

In Lab 2, Bellamy was being strapped down to a table. He wasn't struggling, but kept his eyes glued to Phoebe. How could she betray him like this? They had become so close, it was as if she was a lie. Everything she said was a lie. The other were right, he couldn't trust her.

"Remember a couple of year backs, when you and that Clarke girl you've always talked about killed an entire society of innocent people? What was that place called? Mount Weather?" Phoebe spoke with such aggression, yet her face was completely blank.

"I should have never told you anything about me." Bellamy spat back.

"Yet you did. Why? What was it about me that made you open up to me? You were so quick to just tell me everything about yourself, a girl you didn't know anything about."

"You're a deceiving, lying, son of a b-" Bellamy started to raise his voice, struggling to get out of the straps and attack Phoebe.

Her face changed, and for a second she appeared hurt, but immediately wiped the look off her face. Unfortunately, Bellamy caught this.

"Phoebe?" He softened up. "Are you being forced into this?"

She didn't reply. She inserted a needled syringe into a vial and filled it up with the clear liquid it contained. Her hand violently shook as she brought it over to Bellamy. She took a deep breath, and held up the syringe. Slowly, she brought it closer to Bellamy's arm. Her facial expressions were all over the place. Bellamy couldn't tell what was real about her and what wasn't anymore.

Suddenly, Phoebe diverted the direction the syringe was going in. As Dr. Cly walked in, he saw as Phoebe stuck the needle into her own arm, and inject the liquid into her system.

"No!" Dr. Cly yelled. He quickly ran over and picked up a mask, and shoved it over Bellamy's mouth, knocking him out. Phoebe fell to the floor.

In the room full of cells, after an hour of nonstop failed combinations, the keypad beeped after Monty was about to give up. Harper's cell swung open.

"Is anyone else seeing this or am I tripping?" Echo asked, confused.

"We did it." Monty and Harper quickly shuffled to unlock everybody else's door.

"Well, we sure did it, but how do we do that?" She pointed to the large metal door blocking their path to outside the cell room.

"4 digits this time. Anything you know, Raven?" Monty tapped his foot.

"I know how to open a door." Raven said, simply turning the handle to reveal it was already open.

"I don't get it. Why did Phoebe unlock Monty's cell and leave this open?"

"Maybe we were wrong about her."

"Maybe, but we still can't trust her. Who know's what's up with her.'

"Guys, can we get going? Standing in front of an open door that's our only way out isn't getting us anywhere." Harper suggested.

"Right. Sorry." Monty motioned for the rest to follow.

"What's the plan, Monty?" John asked.

"Well, we know nothing about this place. They knocked us out and took us here, I doubt you know any more than we do about where these halls lead to."

"Well, there's lights on down this hall. Stick together, we're better off." Raven pointed, and they followed her.

Halfway down the hall, they heard a shrilling scream. And it definitely wasn't Bellamy's.

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