🍋Amajiki x Reader: Ears

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Ohmahgawd. ^I found this pic after writing this and now I can't stop laughing. So perfect.

Amajiki x Reader Lemon: Ears for Th3MelThatFell. 

Description: Tamaki has adorable ears... and they are very sensitive...

Why did I do this? Because Amajiki is a precious-sunflower-elf-Sasuke and I wuv him.

I looked and there are NO other Amajiki/Reader lemons out there anywhere based on a simple google search (although there were plenty of them involving Mirio...). Therefore, I am the FIRST and proud of it! Let minstrels write lewd songs in my honor. 

Fixation? Eh, that was a bit too strong of a word. 'Delighted fascination seems a better way of phrasing it.'  You thought, holding back a tiny smirk as you observed the boy occupying the desk in front of you. Tamaki's ears were unique, perhaps even attractive if you were being completely honest with yourself. The more you got to know him, the more his ears gave away the subtle nuances of his mood. You now noticed the way they would perk up when he was called on in class, burn red when he was embarrassed, or wiggle slightly when he chuckled. You could have sworn they even drooped a bit like a puppy when he was sad one day, but that was merely speculation.

Every now and again, you couldn't help but reach out and touch them. You couldn't do it softly, running the risk of coming off creepy or suggestive. So once in a while after class, you would flick the tip of them with a finger to get his attention, startling him. Amajiki wasn't one to hold grudges or ever raise his voice to you, so you always got away with it.


Tamaki jumped and turned, peering at you from behind a lock of hair. "I wish you wouldn't do that." He mumbled while he rubbed it, no hostility in his voice as usual.

"Sorry. Couldn't resist." You smiled playfully. "It's the easiest way to get your attention." He didn't argue. It's not like he had an excess of attention to waste, and he particularly enjoyed receiving it from you. "So are you busy tonight?" You asked out of courtesy, knowing that he probably wasn't.


"Can I come over?"

"I'll have to clean..." He reflected quietly, mentally scanning his apartment for anything that would be humiliating if a girl were to see it.

"Ok, great." You beamed, knowing that was as close to a 'Totally looking forward to it!' as you were going to get from him. Class drew to a close, and most of your peers sprinted out the door quickly, seeing as it was a Friday. Mirio made a grand exit, phasing into the floor with a cheer and a wave. It made you giggle. Tamaki waited at the doorway for you to gather your things.

"Hey, Amajiki!" A male voice resounded through the hallway. "So my family's going on a hunting trip this weekend. You should come with us." You narrowed your eyes suspiciously.

"Well I..."

"With antlers like you can grow, I bet you'd be a solid 12 points to take out!" He and his friend laughed haughtily at Tamaki's dejected expression. You knocked over a chair in the process of abruptly standing up. This caught their attention, seeing you stare daggers at them from across the room.

"The hell did you just say?" Your fists were clenched, shaking with rage.

"Let's go, dude." The other one said nonchalantly, but you saw the brief flicker of fear in his eyes. You stormed over, taking a stand next to Amajiki.

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