🎄Tamaki Saves Christmas

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Description: One little girl needs a special little elf to bring her a magical holiday.

The icy wind stung the wet tears on her face as she sprinted away. Finally she had escaped the shouting voices of the two men chasing her, yet she still didn't feel safe. Had it been the wrong thing to do? Her papa had told her to run, but how could she just leave him behind like that? Should she have done something to save him?! In a secluded alleyway of the city, the little girl found a hiding place, a place to gather her thoughts.

The bad men (her daddy called them sharks but she didn't get a look at their teeth to confirm that) had shown up at the doorstep of their humble home only moments ago. They broke things and she had heard the yelling from behind her bedroom door. When she emerged, the men had taken ahold of her father, insisting that he repay his debt. The men said they wanted to use her as "collateral" before her father ordered her away.

'What does that word mean...' She wondered as she caught her breath. Her lungs burned from running and she was overcome with fear for her father's safety. 'Should I go back home? Should I go to the police?' Being at the tender age of seven, Megumi had no idea where to find them. She assumed that the police all lived in one big house somewhere just like teachers all live at the school.

"But I don't even know where that house is..." She frowned, wiping her tears on her forearm. She was small and weak with limited resources; not like the big scary men she was being hunted by. She didn't stand a chance if they found her. Who could come to her aid now? A hero? 'Which one would I look for? All Might?'

She was traipsing the unfamiliar city streets now. Christmas shoppers flooded the walkways, making it hard for her to keep an eye on her surroundings, but doubling as protection from the seeking eyes of villains. She gasped upon seeing the gargantuan holiday signs, feeling like an idiot for not thinking of it sooner.

"Santa Clause!" She exclaimed. Earlier in school that day the teacher had mentioned writing letters to him and he could bring you anything you wanted for Christmas. "I could ask for him to bring daddy back!" Her blood tingled at her own brilliance. All she had to do was find a pen and paper, an easy enough task for someone as cute as she was. She read her note aloud, proofreading the way her language teacher taught her.

"Dear Mr. Santa..." She pursed her lips. "Oh wait... I wonder if he's a doctor..." She scribbled out the possible discourteous remark and continued. "Dear Mr. Doctor Santa... I know you are really busy bringing good things to everybody else, but two bad men took my daddy and I really want him back." Shew, writing was hard! She mentally gawked at all the grown-ups that make it look so easy. 

For the first time in her life Megumi began to question how Santa was going to be able to do what she asked. It was crazy to imagine that one man is able to deliver everything to everyone in just one night without help. Then it came to her. "Elves! They work day and night for Santa, spreading cheer to everyone!" She scribbled hastily at the idea. "I know I'm probably not at the very top of the nice list, but if you could just spare one elf to help me, I promise to be a really good girl forever and ever!" She signed her name and folded the note, the only precious possession she had left in this world.

She had to get this letter to him quickly. But how... 'The mall! Santa always visits the mall!'  With note in hand, the young child followed the signs to the nearest shopping center.


"There's a lot of people here..." Amajiki said, voice quaking with unease. "I should have just done my shopping online..." He tightened the drawstrings of his hood causing Nejire to tilt her head at him.

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