🎃🍋Kinktober: Amajiki NSFW Alphabet

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I just discovered the NSFW alphabet on this day. And it just happens to fall on the lovely month of Kinktober. You know what that means! And boy are we gonna have fun with it!

Alright ya guys! Since Tamaki won the votes in my multi-person story he gets to go first.

Welcome my friends... to the Kinktober NSFW alphabet... (I may have altered one or two prompts. They seem to vary across different writers.)

A=Aftercare - What they're like after sex.

Tamaki is definitely very caring for you afterwards. Granted, he is very awkward in the moments to follow, as he has no idea what to say, but after a while he manages to show concern for you, and asks if he can get you anything.

B=Body Part- Favorite body part of yours.

He likes your hair. It's soft and smells nice and he likes to bury his face in it when he's intimate with you. When you cut it too short he just makes due with nuzzling your neck instead.

C=Cum – Where he likes to do it.

*Tamaki has malfunctioned at the question*

D=Dirty Secret

He once watched porn with Mirio. They didn't know what it was at the time, and they immediately turned it off when they found out. So it's not technically a secret to most, but Tamaki is pretty ashamed about it.

E=Experience – How experienced are they?

None. You had enough trouble getting physical with him. There's no way he was comfortable to do anything with someone before that. For heaven's sake he was afraid to take his shirt off in front of you.

F=Favorite Position

He secretly likes you starting out on top riding him, but then you stare too much at him and he gets embarrassed, so he defaults to missionary, where he can hide his face in your shoulder if necessary.

G=Goofy- Are they funny or serious in the sack?

Very serious. Although he has been known to make a witty remark after sex when his confidence is up.

H=Hot Spots - A place that drives them crazy when stimulated.

Ears. Obviously.

I=Intimacy - How romantic they are in the moment.

He's not very verbal unless he's asking for feedback or reassurance on his performance. But he's very affectionate during and even needy towards the end. He doesn't have to say it to get the passion across.

J=Jack Off- Masturbation Headcanon

Actually considers the idea from time to time. He is a young man, after all. Yet he almost always decides against it because of the potential humiliation of getting caught in the act.


Is probably as vanilla as they come. However, the level of reassurance he craves borders on the line of a praise kink. Tamaki is not necessarily against certain kinks per say, but he would never think of them on his own.

L=Location - Where they like to have sex at, do they like risky locations, etc.

Always in the privacy of home. In bed primarily, but you have convinced him to try it against the wall or in the shower.

M=Motivation- What gets them going?

He's a sucker for sweet little gestures of love, be that treating him to a home-cooked meal or doing things that make him feel cozy and comfortable. A nice dinner together by the fireplace? Forget it, he'll be in your arms before you even know it.

N=NO - A few things that they will absolutely, under no circumstances, ever do.

Anywhere in public.

O=Oral – Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.

He prefers giving, as he likes that element of control.

P=Pace -Fast and rough? Slow and sensual?

He usually goes with the flow. He always starts slow, afraid to hurt you. But if you are greedy and demanding that night he is happy to oblige.

Q=Quickie – Opinions on this vs proper sex.

He values the intimacy more than the release so he wouldn't find this arrangement ideal unless there was no other choice in the situation.

R=Risk- Do they experiment or take risks?

Big nope. What Amajiki considers "risky" is really just a natural escalation of physical contact. Doing anything beyond that is so far out of his comfort zone it would make his head spin. So he wont initiate new things unless you ask him to.

S=Stamina - How long they can go before they tap out.

He is one of the top 3 hero students at UA. He will go until his partner is damn well satisfied. Though after the second or third round he will ask if this is "normal."

T=Toys - Do they use toys?

Will use yours on you, and is actually pretty quick on discovering their functionality, but he has never purchased any.

U=Unfair - How much they like to tease.

He doesn't have the confidence to tease deliberately, but when he goes down and flashes you that nervous smile you can't help but be affected by it.

V=Volume - How loud they get when having sex, sounds they make.

He is definitely on the noisy side. Lots of moans and whimpers. But he's self conscious of them so he tries to cover his mouth the best he can. (That is unless it's so good he forgets about doing that. ;P)

W=Wild Card – Random headcanon of author's choice.

He passed by a gift box set in a pharmacy once that contained body chocolate, edible massage oil, and other goodies. Secretly he always wanted to try it with you, but he has yet to ever bring it up.

X=X-Ray - How they look with their clothes off.

His fit physique is very striking. As far as below the waist he is on the longer and slender side, but with a curve that fits just right.

Y=Yearning - How high is their sex drive?

Probably below average for a young man, but it really just depends on pleasing his partner.

Z=ZZZ - How quickly they fall asleep after having sex.

He likes to cuddle afterwards so he falls asleep pretty quickly, but only after he's made sure you are taken care of. He's fallen asleep once or twice before completing his aftercare ritual and apologized profusely for it.

Anyway, if you guys enjoyed this idea, ask for more and I'll probably do it for some other characters. This was a fun and easy way to get back into the Kinktober zone.

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