🍋Kirishima x Reader: Rockin' Bod

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KINKTOBER PROMPT: Biting, shower, sthenolagnia

Kirishima x Reader (LEMON): Rockin' Bod

Requested by: Auburn owl, AnimePotato_24, Oh-Kami-Sama, and NaLuLover104, RickML00

Decription: You and Kirishima got really sweaty at the gym today. You really ought to take a shower...

Kink count 10/31. Status: Incomplete. Level: Getting steamy in here

"Don't hurt yourself." Kaminari almost mocked as you continued adding weight to the leg press machine.

"Shut up, sparky!" You shooed him out of your way, grabbing another thirty-five pounder.

"He's right, F/N." Kirishima's tone rang with concern rather than condescension. "We know how strong you are. I don't want you to overdo it."

"I got this, okay?" You sat down and huffed in preparation, flexing before the weight released. It was surprisingly not as hard as you anticipated and you pressed the machine forward. 'I guess all that training really paid off after all.'

"Holy shit!"

"Way to go, F/N!" Kirishima grinned. "I knew you could do it!"

"Thanks." You returned his cheeky smile and looked at Kaminari. "In yo face!"

"Alright fine." He admitted. "Lets do some arms. I did legs yesterday."

Eijirou's lifting skills put yours and Denki's to shame as he pressed massive barbells above his head with a masculine grunt.

"Aw. Come on!" Denki whined. "If I tried that without your quirk, I'd get totally squashed."

"Eijirou's just so manly!" You reached out and squeezed his rippling arm muscles, savoring the firm skin as your fingers traced the grooves. Kirishima beamed at the gracious compliment, blushing as he watched your hand slide down his sweaty arm. This little flirting game had been going on for a while, the tension building between you more electric than Denki's quirk. "I-" You realized what you were doing. "I'm er- pretty sweaty. I think I'll call it a day and go shower..."

"Not a bad idea." Kirishima agreed, walking with you past the water fountains on the way to the locker room.

"Oh..." An inconvenience struck you. A bright yellow sign blocked the girls locker room adorned with the words: "Under renovations."

"Hm." Kirishima made a face. "That's unfortunate. I mean... you can come over and use my shower if you want."

"Um..." Under normal circumstances you would take that as a perverted invitation, definite strings attached. But then you looked into Kirishima's bright and honest eyes, realizing his intentions were probably pure. Not that you would have minded if they weren't...  "Yeah. Thanks."

The walk to his apartment was spent trading compliments on each other's feats of strength, both in the gym and in rescue training. Then somehow it morphed into competitive teasing. By the time he pulled out his room key, it had already been decided that you would spar to see who would come out on top.

"Oomph!" You were pounced upon the second his door closed. "Hey! I wasn't ready!" You squawked, but his playful smile soon melted your curmudgeon away. You fought against his strong grip, using your fierce legs to knock him off balance. He toppled beside you from the force and hit the ground. This back and forth went on a while, each of you besting the other with unique fighting styles until you were sweaty and out of breath. Finally, with a grunt of exertion, you pinned him with his hands above his head. His body surrendered and he smirked up at you.

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