🍋*Baku/Deku/Reader/Todo/Kiri: The Repayment 2/2

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Midoriya's blush darkened with each moan you coaxed from him. He was rubbing against you through his pants, abdomen tingling from the touch of your magic fingers. He gasped when your fingertips ran deliberately over his member, sending him spiraling into a trembling mess. He ripped off his pants after receiving a clear nonverbal signal, hesitating when you made the same signal to remove the last article of clothing.

"Izuku..." You breathed in his ear. "Can I have more of you?" His consent was obviously given when he slipped out of those too, cheeks burning with shyness and arousal. Your hand moved downwards again, stopping just short of his throbbing desire. "Would you mind if... I used my quirk?" He nodded eagerly, pulling you close to kiss your neck. Before he had a chance to brace himself, pleasure ripped through his body, eliciting a shudder and a loud moan.

"Oh F/N-"


"BRO! STOP!" A startling noise and Kirishima's familiar voice broke your focus. There Katsuki stood, fuming in the doorway with a disgusted expression, Kirishima and Shouto following closely behind him.


"KACCHAN?!" Midoriya squealed and covered his nudity. Your mouth hung open.

"Katsuki, what on earth are you doing here?!"

"I could ask you the same question." You could see the betrayal and livid rage flicker across his crimson eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"You're SUPPOSED to be with me!" His tone implied that you were the one in the wrong.

"Be with you?! Don't make me laugh! You haven't spoken to me in weeks! Most people would assume it was a one time thing."

"Wait, what are you talking about, F/N?" Midoriya tightened his grip on you. "Did you guys kiss or something?"

"Or something..." Katsuki's gaze held yours.

"Yeah. A whole lot of 'or something.'" Kirishima ribbed, trying to break the tension. Shouto looked taken aback by, not only the implications of that statement, but also the sight in front of him.

"I told you that night that you're MINE!" Katsuki argued. "I didn't think I needed to repeat myself!!"

"Since F/N's affection is in question, I'd like to jump into the ring as well." Todoroki stated calmly.


"Shouto?" Upon seeing the questioning surprise in your eyes, he walked over and knelt down.

"Permit me." Suddenly, his mouth was on yours. You quickly learned that there is a Shouto way of kissing too. It was clean and soft and alluring and... a little bit timid, but only if you were looking for it. Otherwise, the spirit of it would have been deemed considerate instead. You sensed the energy in the room tense. You could feel Katsuki's and Midoriya's eyes on you, one angry, one hurt. As quickly as it started, it was violently interrupted by Katsuki ripping Shouto's lips from yours.

"I'LL KILL YOU, YA HALF AND HALF BASTARD!" His hands began to spark, animosity pouring off his skin. It was as if an aura of tangible flames wreathed his body.

"Katsuki!" You stood up and placed a hand on his chest, activating another aspect of your quirk: mood manipulation. With your magic fingers on Katsuki's body, you atomized the intemperate rage coursing through him, resulting in a surprisingly calm expression on his handsome features.

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