☁️Harem of BNHA boys X Reader: Wish Fulfillment FINAL

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You glanced around the classroom, but nobody's behavior struck you as abnormal. Tamaki looked as nervous as usual; Mirio had a blank expression as usual. You quietly unfolded the piece of paper, glancing up to make sure the teacher didn't see you.

'Dear F/N,

Your eyes shine more radiant than the sun,

making each day brighter.

And like the sunrise warms the blue,

your light stops me from feeling down.

When you disappear,

the day goes with you.

And although darkness comes,

I can still find my way,

because I know you will rise again in my life.

All I have to do is wait until


You blinked in awe of the touching words; you were speechless. You weren't sure what you were expecting at first glance, but it certainly wasn't a heartfelt love letter. Your cheeks burned warm at the beautiful sentiment, but your lips turned downward when you saw no trace of a signature. 'Who's this from?'  You wondered. After the whole ordeal at the dance, the note could be from almost anybody. Or, considering that the dance was equally catastrophic in nature, this letter was just as likely to be a cruel prank. You decided it was time to investigate.

Through the halls you crept, trying to eavesdrop on any potential conversations that could lead you to the culprit. Unfortunately this process was instantly hindered because... you had no idea where to start. Truth be told, it wasn't even clear that your secret admirer was genuine, so all of your sleuthing had the potential to be in vain.

"What are you doing?"

"UWAH!" You yelped when you heard a voice behind you. You had essentially been caught red handed, peeking around the corner at some of the 1-A boys. You turned to see who it was. "Mirio, you startled me."

"Sorry about that." He smiled wide before repeating himself. "What are you doing?"

"Uhm..." There was no real logical explanation to why you were hiding and spying on your peers. "I was just..." You realized you couldn't tell Mirio the truth, for you would run the risk of word getting out that you were searching for your admirer. If that happened you might never discover his identity. "I was just... trying to jump out and scare the underclassmen..." It was a lame excuse, but it was the best you could think of at a moment like this. Togata tilted his head, delighted by the mischievous idea.

"Well why didn't you say so? Allow me." And with that he proceeded to phase halfway into the wall, keeping a grip on his uniform pants to keep them in place as he did so. The next thing you heard was the startled shrieks of the younger students around the corner. Midoriya's high-pitched holler was the most notable of the bunch. Your palm met your forehead with an audible slap. 'Close call...'  You thought, narrowly escaping the scene with your pretense intact. 'Secret admirers nearly always strike more than once. I just have to make sure I'm watching when they plant the next note...'

You were so excited about the whole endeavor that you hadn't stopped until now to think about who you wanted it to be. All of the potential admirer's faces appeared in your mind; and there were so many reasons to love each one of them. For instance, Midoriya had a heart of gold and the attitude of a true hero. His inspiring nature sent everyone shooting for the stars. Bakugou, on the other hand, may have his head in the clouds, but his fiery spirit left a whole delicacy of spice to a relationship just waiting to be uncovered. Could you tame him? Some part of you desperately wanted to find out. Shouto had an inexplicable elegance that cultivated romance. He took to charm like a fish takes to water. Yet in him there lay a subtle vulnerability, a desire to better himself from the inside out, and such a drive left an impact in you the way a lit cigarette might brand a coffee table.

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