Why I Work Out (AND WHAT I DO)

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The basics here: I work out because it makes me feel good, and helps me control my anxiety. I'm sure someone who knows more about how the human body works can give you the details but when you work out and move your body something releases endorphin's that make you feel good and it (I believe) lowers your cortisol level. (Please tell me if I'm wrong) Now the fun part about exercise and cortisol is that high cortisol levels make you more susceptible to having panic attacks, Which I don't want. So long story short I exercise almost everyday. This is a typical trip to the gym for me. 

CARDIO: the thing everyone hates. 

- being really honest I HATE running. But running is not the only form of cardio. I do however love the feeling of being really really sweaty after a good cardio session, I'm talking sweat dripping down your back and off your hair sweaty. TMI I know, but It's the truth. 

So what I like to do is use the stair stepper ( on level 7) or an elliptical ( between levels 5-15) for about half an hour get my heart rate up and get real sweaty. Then to cool off I'll generally get on a stationary bike for 7-20 minutes and just pedal away until my heart rate comes down. 

For my personal health and fitness goals I do a majority of cardio and less weight lifting. 

STRENGTH: AKA weightlifting 

- no this will not make you, a girl, bulky.  Yes you will gain weight, but It will be leaner weight than fat.  As mentioned above I do mostly cardio. Why? Because it burns fat and right now in my journey, my goal is to burn fat. Yes I still do some strength training but it is very simple, If you are looking to build muscle I suggest you go check out Carly Rowena on YouTube and her Blog ( which i will try to link below). 

SO to reiterate: I only do strength exercises to maintain muscle mass. This is what I do.


lunges, 10 each leg, weighted and unweighted

squats, 10 weighted. 

Calf raises, 21 each leg. 

Hip adducters/abducters: 30 reps at 110 lbs 

leg extension/curl : 25 reps at 35/50 lbs 


flutter kicks, 30

scissor kicks, 30

leg raises, 30 

bosu crunches, 20, with 6 lbs medicine ball. ( basically grab a bosu and put the flat side down to cushion back) 

weighted leg raises, 20, 6lbs medicine ball

plank, 30/45 seconds ( includes side plank as well) 

superman, 15

lat pull down, 20 at 50lbs 

low row, 30 at 30lbs 


21s ( fancy bicep curls), with toning bar ( 6-9lbs)

triceps extensions, 30-40 at 50lbs 

forearm curls, 10 reps, 5lbs

wrist circles, 20 each direction holding 5lbs dumbbell. 

assisted pull ups, 10

chest press/bench, 15 at 50lbs 

shoulder press, 20 at 30lbs. 

I will generally do legs one day, arms another, and abs and back another, I won't  do strength everyday because I don't care too but  I try to get some cardio in every single day. 

Now I understand that now everyone can go to a gym or you can't go everyday, and that is OKAY! There are days when I don't want to leave my house or the weather is too bad ( In the winter, around Christmas), when days like this happen I don't get upset, I just take my dog for an extra long walk, get some more steps in and do a few small simple body weight exercises, maybe pull up a yoga class online to do. NO ONE IS PERFECT, and the way you exercise doesn't have to be either. 

As Promised here are Carly's Links 

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Carlyrowena

Blog: https://www.carlyrowena.com/

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2017 ⏰

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