Chapter Sixteen

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i want to thank you all guys for 1k reads!

"Liam! What happened to your face?" Dad shoot up on his sit, yelling. "Why are you home so early?" I asked. "My son got in a trouble!", He glared, walking towards me. "They started it! I didnt even lay a finger on them!" I snapped, bitterly. "Zayn's father said you started the fight", He crossed his arms on his chest and Jeany just headed me upstair.

"Dont worry, i'll talk to him, go change an rest", I nodded and she walked out.

I grabbed my laptop and opened my twitter. Wow 54 mentions, cool. I decided to call Niall, and base  on my information, he's on his day off.

"Hi Liam! Whats up!" I smile as I hear his voice. "This kids beat me up in school but im alright", I said softly. "What?! You serious you're alright?" I can hear worry in his voice, enough to make my day. "Yes, im really fine, dont have to worry. How are you?, I asked. "I'm fine but this day off is boring", I laughed and soon, he joined. "Niall i love you", I said. "Aw I love you too Liam", I smiled but at the same time frowning because i know he mean it in a friendly way, and i am a fan.

The line went dead and i didnt know what happened. I got up on my bed to change into pajamas.

Its nearly midnight and I just lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling for minutes until i hear my phone ring.


"Liam! Its Lillan"

"Oh hey there Lillan! Why call in a time like this?"

"Niall is in the hospital"


"I found him laying on hid bed but he didnt move"

"The line went dead when we talked this evening, i'll come tomorrow! Text me the hospital"

"Thanks Liam, bye"

I muttered a fast bye. What the hell happened with Niall. Hours went by very fast, i didnt even noticed.

"I'll skip school", I whisphered to myself.

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