Chapter Eighteen

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Three days past I still havent answered dad's calls and texts, but i already talked to Harry and made him promise to not tell it to anyone by telling him i'll but him new shoes.

Three days past and i still havent took a bath or changed my clothes. Yiu cant blame me, what if Niall wakes up and i am not here?

Three days past and im still not leaving Niall's side.

Three days past and Niall was supposed to wake up a day ago.

"Liam, are you sure you dont want to go and rest first? Or even take a bath?", I shook my head and Lillan sighed.

I heard my ringtone and looked at the caller ID. Harry.


"Liam! The freak? Your father banged inside my house looking for you!"


"Just dont tell him I am at bradford!"

"He keeps on returning everyday!"

"Harry just- im coming back when Niall is fine!"

I clicked tge end button and threw my phone inside my bag.

- - - - - - - - - - -

My eyes are heavy and my body feels numb. I cant open my eyes but i can hear everything, clearly.

I heard Liam and Harry's conversation. Why is he here anyway?

I tried my very best to move and open my eyelids and I succeeded.

"Niall!" Liam squealed and I smiled weakly at him.

"Can you talk?" I shook my head.

"Are you alright? Are you hurt? Are you hungry? Do you need water? A-" I inturrupted him by holding his hand. "Im okay", I mouthed at him.

"Niall! Youre awake!" Lillan dropped the food on the coffee table running towards my bed. "He cant talk", Liam said sadly. "Oh", she muttered and excused to call the doctor.

"Well, he cant talk for now because his throat is dry and sore, but he is breathing fine", The doctor said after going out and left.

"You should help Niall eat, Liam", Lillan said and Liam carefully caress the back of my hand.

He walk towards his seat with a bowl of chicken soup on his hands.

"You'll get better if you eat this okay?" I nodded as i open my mouth for Liam to enter the spoon inside.

It is almost midnight and i still cant sleep. Liam is reading a book on the couch beside the table lamp. His eyes are sparkling until they met mine.

"Why are you awake Ni?" I shook my head and turned away from his gaze. "You want me to lay next to you?" I nodded bitting my lip.

He was about to climb on bed but his foot got stucked on the swirled hem of the blanket and unexpectedly....

Hey babes! Im doing a little better now and my sleep felt well, not really i guess but i want to thank my friends (u know who u are) for always being there for me, and of course! all of you! thanks for supporting my book in a long amount of time! love you all!x


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