Chapter Twenty-One

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After a day, everything went back to normal. Me, going to school. Niall, well, staying at his home in Mullingar.

"Liam! I missed you!", Harry tackled me to the ground making me chuckle.

"I missed you too! Who do we have here?", I said getting up.

"This is Chelsea, the one who stood up for you to Zayn", He smiled introducing the brown haired girl, who is blushing at the moment.

"So, I've heard, your parents, well, step mom and real dad will adopt a daughter?", He asked.

Oh, I forgot to mention, my dad and Jeany planned to adopt a teen so I wont get bored.

"Yeah, yeah, we are going to the orphanage after school", I said excitedly.

"That's nice! See you mate!", he waved, walking away leaving me with Chelsea.

"Uh. Hi! You look so familiar, have we met?", I asked. "Hmm, I dont think so, Im new here", She said.

"Lets go to class, shall we?", She nodded and we walked together. I asked for her number and she did the same to me.

Nothing interesting happened today, same old routine. Since Zayn is not here, his crew didnt touch me or gave a single glance.

"Hey Jeany!", I chirped happily giving her an embrace. "Look who's excited to have a sister", She wiggled her eyes and i giggled.

We parked in front of the orphanage which is called 'The Sunshine's' and dad is already there.

"Good day, Loren", Dad greeted the woman and shook her hand, the same with Jeany who gave her a hug.

"Liam, what do you think?", Dad asked.

"The oldest teenager, maybe?" I shrugged and Loren smiled.

"I have the perfect girl for you, give me a minute", She motioned us to take a seat and I did.

"Meet Zian Jess, she's fifteen", Loren came back with a girl, I think four and a half feet tall.

"I'd love her to be my sibling", I smiled and she smiled back at me until Loren asked her to pack her things.

Jeany, Dad and Loren finished the papers and she is now officially a, 'Payne'

"I'm Liam", I said smiling at her. "Welcome to the fam sis!", We both squealed and hugged. Having a sibling isn't bad as I thought it would be.

hi guys! omfg 2.2k reads omg thank you! Can I please get 20 votes and 5 comments for the next chapter?? Im going on a vacation on the next, next monday, April 21 and I get to ride the bus for like 24 hours and i'll be at my sister's dorm for a month, no tv, no fridge, but guess what? Fast wifi. So yeah lol. Okay, love ya'll!


p.s. 20 votes and 5 comments ye? ♡

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