Chapter One

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The minute I realized they were WCKD, I stabbed the nearest one with a scalpel.

It didn't take me long to put it together, starting the moment we were escorted through the doors of the huge dome-shaped building.  Teresa and I were separated from the rest of the boys and led down a narrow hallway.  They checked us over, gave me some kind of miracle medicine for my leg and drew our blood.

That was when I started asking questions.

And they started fumbling for answers. 

I didn't need anymore confirmation than that and I was done trusting strangers. 

"Ari!"  Teresa shrieked as the nurse screamed, clutching the scalpel protruding from her chest.  I vaulted off the bed, slamming into the second nurse with my feet.  She stumbled backwards and hit the wall.

"Com'n!"  I grabbed Teresa's wrist and yanked her out the door.  I turned right and sprinted down the hall back the way we had come.

"Ari, wait!  Where are we going?"

"Just follow me!"

"Stop them!"  Someone screamed, "Stop them!"

A door slammed and footsteps sounded behind us.  I pushed faster, Teresa right on my heels.  Left and left again.  I heard voices.  Doctors and nurses watched us run past with startled looks on their faces.  I risked a glance over my shoulder.  At least a dozen uniform-clad figures were gaining on us.  I turned to the right and then burst out into the large open room we'd been in before.


I whirled around.  Minho and the rest of the Gladers were sitting on a few overturned crates and boxes.

"Ari?"  Minho said again and stepped forward as I ran to him.  "Ari, what the hell?  What's happening?"

"Its WCKD," I told him breathlessly.  "This is WCKD, we never escaped.  It's all still part of their plan!"

"I believe her," Teresa said as Thomas pulled her into a hug.  "I was there.  Those doctors didn't know any of the stuff she was asking."

Minho's face hardened and I looked up at him.  "We have to get out of here.  Now."

He nodded and then his eyes widened as his gaze fell on something past my shoulder.  "Lookout-"

Somebody wrapped their arms around my waist and yanked me backwards.  Minho lunged but a figure in black caught him and then delivered a savage blow to the side of his face. 

I yelled and kicked as I was dragged back.  Two people held me fast, one on each side.  The group of boys was slowly being separated but my eyes were stuck on Minho.  Despite the blow to his face, four men still had to work to hold him back. 

Then someone blocked my view.  A doctor in a white coat holding a vial of liquid.  I growled and tried to free myself but one of the men grabbed my hair, yanking my head to the side and exposing my neck.  I hissed as the needle pierced my skin. 

Someone yelled my name but the world began to fade.  I sank to my knees, the grips on my arms loosening.  I felt hot and cold all at the same time and  the last thing I saw was a man bending down to be level with me.

And he smiled.

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