Chapter Six

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"You'd admit you're a Crank?"

The man- Jorge- looked at me.  "Well, hermana, we're all Cranks here." 

Neither Minho nor I knew what to say after that.  I had the feeling to tell this man we were possibly immune would be a bad idea. 

Jorge leapt off the top of the car with surprising nimbleness.  "What are you two sorry fools doing out here?"  He came closer.  "All alone?"

I swallowed around a dry mouth.  "Just passing through."

"Is that so?"  Jorge turned a critical eyes on me.  "You wouldn't have anything else to do with the other bunch of lost young-lings I picked up about an hour ago?"

I sucked in a breath.  He had to be talking about Newt and the others. 

"Ah, so you do know them."  Jorge shrugged.  "I figured as much.  You will be coming with me."

"And if we don't?"  Minho said.

I nudged his arm.  We were in no shape to fight or negotiate.

Jorge folded his arms.  ""It'd be in your best interest to do as I say."

With a start I realized more figures were appearing the rubble around us, forming a large group.  Minho noticed as well and I saw his shoulders set back in compliance.  Jorge began to walk away and we had no choice but to follow.  I tucked my hands in my jacket pockets, trying not to let the charred skin show.  Minho moved as fluidly as possible for someone who had been struck by lightning.  We wanted to come off as strong as possible, not weak and injured as we were.

Jorge and his band of followers led us through a maze of buildings until we stopped in front of one that was surprisingly still intact.  The door was opened and we shuffled through into the dark.  The smell of rot and mildew filled my nose and I focused on followed Jorge in front of me. 
Eventually the tunnel opened into a large area and I stopped to stare in wonder.  All around were colorful banners, faded and wrinkled.  Mismatched rugs and and carpets covered the floor and couches and other furniture was scattered around the room.  There were at least a dozen people milling around the space and they all paused watch us as we entered the room. 

"Welcome to our humble abode."  Jorge spread his hands, turning to grin at us.  Then he glanced at someone standing behind us and gave them a nod.  Someone gripped my wrists, yanking them from the safety of my pockets.  I hissed in pain as cloth was tied around my raw flesh, binding my hands together.

Minho stifled a groan behind me as his hands were also secured behind his back.  "What are you going to do with us?"  I demanded as someone started to push me away.

"Haven't quite decided yet," Jorge said nonchalantly.  "But you're no use to me dead."  He looked at the man leading us away.  "Feed them and put them with the others."

I could only hope that the "others" were the rest of the Gladers and as much as I wanted to hate Jorge, he was going to feed us.  Even if we were going to be killed right after.

A small door opened in front of me and the man gestured me through.  A narrow flight of steps light dimly by torches led down to a dusty floor.  I shook my head and began the descent.  I reached the bottom in time to hear the door slam shut.  Minho was right behind me and I rounded the corner.

"Ari!"  Chuck was the first to see me.  Newt was on his feet in a flash.  "Thank the bloody hell.  We thought you all were dead!"  He glanced from Minho to me.  "You both look like you should be dead.  What the hell happened?"

"Later."  I told Newt.  "I'll tell you everything later.  Minho needs to sit down." 

Just the fact the Minho didn't protest at all to that statement told me enough about the amount of pain he was in. 

"Is there anything sharp down here to cut off these stupid ties with?"  I held out my wrists. 

"Yeah, hang on."  Thomas moved over to a corner, kicking the rocks on the ground and looking for a sharp enough one. 

"Here, I found one."  Teresa handed it to Newt and I turned around so he could cut the cloth.  Newt swore quietly.  "Ari, your hands-" 

The cloth broke and I turned around, shaking my head.  "Don't say anything about it."  I didn't need everyone else or Minho worried about me right now.

Newt cut Minho's hands free and I guided him to the far wall.  "Stomach," I ordered him.  "Lay on your stomach."  Minho did as I said, resting his face in his forearms.  Clint came over, taking a seat beside me.  "It's his back," I told the medjack in a low voice.  Clint just nodded and began to peel away Minho's shirt. 

I moved away from the two of them and Chuck gave me a hug them.  I sat down next to Newt, against the wall. 

"Okay, so what the hell happened?  And how did you end up here with us?"  Thomas asked.

I shook my head.  "Minho got struck by lightning."  Newt's eyebrows shot up.  "He was unconscious after that so I dragged him underneath some overhang and we spent the night there.  Then, when we woke up we started to wander further into the city.  We didn't make it very far until Jorge there found us and escorted us back here."

"Jorge found us too," Fryplan supplied.  "And brought us here."

"They gave us food."  Chuck said.

As if on cue my stomach gave a sharp pang.  "Yeah Jorge told them to feed us too, but that hasn't happened yet."

Clint came back over and bent down beside me.  "He's fine for now.  I mean, there not much I can do about it anyways but the burns will just heal with time."

I nodded.  "Thanks."  I climbed up from the floor and moved back over to Minho.  I perched against the wall beside him and leaned my head back.  I allowed my eyes to slip shut, not even wanting to think about what the future would hold.

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