Chapter Eighteen

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The world exploded in colors of white, orange and red.

I flew backward, my body slamming into the side of the SUV. I hit the ground coughing. I tasted blood in my mouth. But before I could stand another explosion shook the ear. I covered my ears, the noise deafening.


Minho's voice broke through the haze. I pushed myself to my feet, spotting him through the smoke. I began running forward but stopped as a torrent of gunfire split the air in front of me. I threw myself to the side.

It was utter chaos. I heard screaming and Vince's voice screaming frantic orders above all else. There was gunfire, and fire erupted in front of me. Another explosion cracked the air-further away this time.

Suddenly someone grabbed my arm yanking me up. A black clad figure, holding a gun in his right hand. The letters WCKD stood out starkly on his uniform. He began to drag me along.

Furious and terrified at the prospect of falling back into WCKD's hands, I lashed out. I planted a kick in the man's shoulder and he grunted letting go of my arm. "You little-" He raised his gun but I kicked it from his grasp. He rushed at me, knocking me to the ground. His fingers wrapped around my throat and I choked, gasping for air.

I struggled and wiggled, feeling the man's holster and then I recognized the weapon beside it. With a grunt I yanked the knife from the sheath and stabbed it into the side of his neck. The man let out a yell, covering the wound. Blood, hot and sticky, gushed and and I scrambled to my feet backing away. I spotted the man's fallen gun and on instinct, snatched it up.

It was surprisingly light and felt natural in my hands. Like I'd done this before. "Ari, watch out!" It was Vince's voice and I looked up. Another WCKD soldier was rushing at me.

"Take this, bitch." I snarled and pointed the gun at the man. I squeezed the trigger and he went down. I spun around, spotting Vince atop a truck bed with a mounted gun. I sprinted for them, looking for Minho as I went. I didn't see him.

I reached Vince. "Keep shooting!" He yelled as he loaded the weapon. Newt appeared beside me, rifle in hands. "Where's Chuck?"

I couldn't see anything through the smokey haze, much less distinguish any faces. "We can't focus on that now! Just shoot!" I aimed the gun at the nearest WCKD soldier and fired. He crumpled to the ground.

Somewhere, some piece or something inside me was enjoying this. This was WCKD. Our oppressors, our kidnappers. they thought us to be nothing more than pawns on a playing board. This was what they deserved.


I shoved the thought away. I didn't have time for that now. It was either fight or die. I had no choice I squeezed the trigger again and the gun clicked. "I'm out!"

"Here!" Vince tossed me another gun. "You know how to use that?"

I racked the shotgun. "Yeah!"

"Good, cover your ears!" Newt and I hit the ground, hands to our heads as Vince open fired on the WCKD soldiers from the back of the truck. "Take that you sons of bitches!"

"Newt!" I yelled over the noise, "Look!" I pointed to a few figures huddle down by the rocks. "There they are!" I could make out Thomas, Minho and Chuck.

"I see them!" Newt shouted.

"Cover me!" I screamed to be heard before taking off at a dead sprint. Maybe running the Maze day in and day out had been worth something. Gunfire exploded near my feet and I ducked, throwing myself forward. Minho turned and spotted me. He started to move forward but more gunfire pinned him in place. I could see him swearing. I was on my own.

I heard Newt's return gunfire and I moved again, staying as low to the ground as possible. Just as I neared their position, a WCKD soldier leapt atop the rock, aiming a gun at Minho. They were defensless without any weapons.

I slid to stop. "No!" I aimed the shotgun, and fired. The kick back was so strong I almost flew backward. I steadied myself, ears ringing from the shot and looked over. Thomas, Chuck and Minho had all flattened themselves to the ground. A splatter was all that remained of the WCKD soldier.

I reached the group, panting and glancing around for any other soldiers. "Holy shit, Ari." Chuck was half crying, half laughing. "Holy shit."

Minho gripped me. "Are you okay?"

I nodded. "I'm fine, I'm fine but we can't stay here." Just as I spoke, more gunfire peppered the rock face and we ducked. "I'll cover you and you guys make a run for it."

"No!" Minho swore, facing me. "No way!"

"Minho, you don't have a choice!"

"I'm not leaving you!"

More bullets fired around us. "There's no time!" I screamed. "You have to go. Go, Minho!"

His face was pained but I turned away, facing where the gunfire was coming from. "On my mark." I was still shouting, the noise deafening. I sucked in a breath and then popped up, firing the shot gun as I went. "Now! Go, go, go!"

There was a spray of dust and dirt behind me, confirming their exit. I didn't dare look back, keeping my eyes on the overturned crates and firing round after wound. And then I was out of ammo. "Shit," I ducked down as bullets hit the rock face, sending shards flying. I covered my face against the debris. I reached for the pouch around my waist but came up empty. "Shit."

I blinked against the smoke, coughing. My lungs burned. I couldn't see anyone else. I had to make a run for it. More gunfire sprayed the area and I swore, my heart hammering in my chest.


I jerked my head up, hearing Newt's voice.

"Ari, run!"

I squinted, making out Newt's waving figure 20 yards ahead of me. "You have to make a run for it!"

I gulped in a breath, the tainted air burning my lungs. I was so shucked. Bullets aimed at Newt, tearing up the dust and he ducked down. "Ari, come on! We'll cover you!"

I nodded to myself and swallowed. As soon as Newt appeared again, this time with Thomas next to him, they both held rifles. They opened fire on the WCKD soldiers behind me. Then Minho was next to Newt, screaming my name. "Come on, Ari! Come on!"

I pushed myself up from the ground and sprinted with everything I had. Bullets whizzed past my head and I ducked, dodging around a pile of crates on fire. "Come on, come on!" Minho was yelling. I threw myself forward and suddenly I was back in the Maze, running from the Grievers with everything I had. My breath came in rasping pants. My torso burned, my eyes streaming.

20 feet.

"Come on, Ari!" Something exploded to my left.

10 feet.

Bullets sprayed around me.

5 feet.

"Ari!" Minho screamed and I jumped, a torrent of gunfire exploding the spot where I was seconds ago. I cleared the rock ledge they were behind and hit the stony ground with a thud. I coughed and rolled over. "Ari, Ari-" Minho was there, gripping me.

I coughed again. "I'm sorry," I sputtered.

"Sorry? Sorry for what?"

Blood spilled from my mouth. "I'm sorry," I rasped, moving my hand away from my abdomen, sticky with hot blood. Minho's eyes went wide. "Ari? Ari, no-no! Newt! Vince! Get someone- help!" He looked back to me, pressing his forhead to mine. "Ari, Ari, listen to me- listen to me-"

Everything went black.

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