Chapter Seven

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Someone splashed water on my face.

I coughed, and blinked.  My vision was blurry and I winced as the cuts on my face stung. 

"Rise and shine!"  A man was hovering in front of me.  "The boss wants to see ya." 

"Who?"  I muttered, my throat dry and parched. 

They didn't answer, hauling me to my feet and shoving me up the stairs.  I didn't even get the chance to glance at Minho or the rest of my friends.  I was pushed back into that big room and then through it to a small flight of wooden stairs in the back I hadn't seen before.  Up I went and then I was in a big office type of room.  A large desk stood at one end with multiple dusty windows.  A couch was to my left and a girl I had never seen before was reclining on it.  She had a slender frame with short, cropped brown hair and large brown eyes.


I glanced forward.  Jorge had appeared behind the desk and was gesturing to a small can of food sitting on a table.  I walked to the table and took a seat.  Jorge went back to doing whatever he was doing but the girl continued to watch me as I ate.  But I couldn't have cared less as I practically inhaled the canned meat.  When I was finished, Jorge tossed my a tin  of water which I stupidly caught and then winced as my hands burned. 

I slowly took a sip of the water, fingers shaking. 

"Those are some nice burns you got yourself there, hermana."  Jorge came around the other side of the desk and perched on it.  I didn't say anything, screwing the cap back on the water tin.

"I assumed you were their leader."  Jorge continued.  "That's why I had them bring you up here.  To talk."

I debated telling him that I wasn't their leader.  That we didn't really have one but if we did it would probably be Minho or Newt.

"What made you think that?"  I asked finally.

Jorge shrugged.  "Just had a feeling."

"Where did you come from?"  This came from the girl perched on the couch.  She stood and walked around to sit next to Jorge. 

I eyed her warily for a minute.  I was unsure of how much information to reveal to them. 

"We know you came from WCKD."  The girl said, placing her hands behind her on the desk.  "How did you manage to escape from there?"

"We didn't escape," My voice was raspy and I took another sip of the water.  "They put us out here on purpose."

"Well you must've really pissed them off."  The girl's voice was sharp.  "To be sent out here in hell."

"Brenda,"  Jorge's voice was chiding and the girl- Brenda-  rolled her eyes. 

"We're part of some psychotic experiment."  I muttered.  Then louder I said, "What do you want with us?"

Jorge folded his arms.  "Well Brenda here was hoping you'd have escaped from WCKD so we could turn you back in and get some good money or-"  He leaned forward an odd glint in his eye "-the cure."

I stared at him for half a second, hatred flickering in my gut for Brenda and then pity for Jorge.  "There is no cure.  That's why we're out here in the middle of this shit-hole.  Their experiment is to try and find the cure."

Jorge pulled back.  "That's just what they're telling you.  WCKD never tells the truth."

I shook my head, half annoyed now.  "Trust me, there is no cure.  We've been trapped in this nightmare for four years now."

"Why did WCKD put you out here?"  Brenda redirected the conversation.

I shrugged.  "There's another group of us apparently.  We've got two weeks to reach some safe house.  We need to make it there before the other group does."

"And if you don't?"  Brenda's gaze was harsh.

"Then I guess we're as good as dead.  Or WCKD comes back to get us.  Either way is hell."

"What's at this safe house?"  Jorge reentered the conversation.

I sighed.  "Freedom from the experiment they told us.  Safety.  Food.  Hopefully no Cranks or the Flare."

"Brenda,"  Jorge turned to the short-haired girl.  "What does that sound like to you?"

"The Haven,"  Brenda muttered.  "Could it really be-"

"Yes!"  Jorge cut her off.  "Yes, it could!  After all this hiding this could finally be what we've been waiting for!"

I glanced between the two of them.  "I don't understand."

They ignored me.  "Do you think it's real, Jorge?  That's a big risk to take."  Brenda's brow furrowed. 

"It's about time we moved on anyways, don't you think, amiga?"  Jorge turned his gaze back to me.  "It looks as if today is your lucky day."

"I find that hard to believe."  I folded my arms over my chest. 

"Let me put it to you this way- you aren't dying today."  Brenda told me matter-of-factually. 

"Pity."  I muttered taking another sip of the water.

"You're going to take us to the Haven if you want to live," she continued. 

I blinked.  "You do realize we have no idea where it is."  

"Well you're going to find out fast.  Besides, now you have a serious advantage if we travel with you.  We know this city better than anyone."  Brenda's voice was starting to grate on my nerves.

"What the hell do you expect to do when we find the safe house- or Haven as you call it." 

"Let us worry about that, senorita."  Jorge winked at me. 

I heaved another sigh.  "This is insane." 

"This world is insane.  Better get used to it."  Brenda hopped down from her perch and came closer to me.  I shifted in my chair.  I was done with people pushing me around and if Brenda even thought for a minute she could get in my head then she was very wrong. 

"I think I've experienced enough insane for one day."  I stood up.  "Care to escort me back to my prison?"

Brenda ground her jaw before jerking her head at two men climbing back up the stairs.  They walked over to stand on either side of me. 

"Take her back to the others,"  Brenda told them.  "And if she gives you any trouble-" she glanced at me, "let me know."

"You'd better hope they're alive to let you know."  I smiled sweetly at her before turning on my heel and retreating down the stairs.

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