Chapter 6 - Emotions Flare

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Chapter 6

The next few days went by so slow, I was seriously dying. Callum hadn't showed up to school the day after the incident, which I was relieved to see. Every chance I get to put space between me and him, I will take it. Whether it is for seating or partners, I will avoid him at all costs. I can’t go to the police because that would just cause more turmoil, and I didn't want that to happen.

Anyways, he has girls flocking at him twenty four seven, which doesn’t bother me at all. Well it shouldn’t right? I mean he’s crazy. So why do I feel so irritated when I see him with other girls? I mean he doesn’t seem to be enjoying it, but why? Most guys love it when they get all the girls attention.

 “Hello, earth to Sulli,” Rebecca said, waving her hand in front of my face.          

“Oh, sorry what were you saying again?” I said trying to give her my full attention. She gave me a worried look and I gave her a reassuring smile telling her everything is alright, but she didn’t seem to be buying it.

“I was saying that there is a party happening this Friday at Melissa’s house. She invited me and said I could bring someone along.” She gushed while nodding her head so much, that I had to plant my hand on her head because I was getting dizzy.

“Becca, you know I can’t. I have to take care of the kids.”

Oh gosh, I sound like my mom.

The moment I said that, her face completely dropped. I felt really bad that I always had to cancel on her like this, but she knew my situation. There was no time for fun anymore. 

“And besides, you know I’m not popular. I will just embarrass you if I went.” Ok now she looked like she wanted to smack my head.


“Sssssh, keep your voice down before someone hears us.” I said whisper yelling. It was lunch time now and I didn’t need all the attention on us again.   

“It’s just that you know how I feel when you say stuff like that, because it doesn’t matter who or what you are as long as you’re my friend.” I was so stunned I didn’t know what to do but stare at her.

“Really?” I asked feeling all gushy inside.

 “Guurl, you know I care so much about you. You’re like the sister I never had.” She said munching on her burger. Rebecca is an only child because her mother couldn’t conceive after giving birth. It was unfortunate but they were always okay with just Rebecca, not to mention she is rich as hell! It’s like we live in 2 different worlds, but we mesh so well.

“Are you sure you can’t come? How about you let your siblings stay at my house while were out!?” She said getting excited all over again.

“Rebecca you know I couldn't do that. It’s not polite.” I couldn't just dump all my siblings at her house, and put her parents in that position.

“No it’s okay! My mom would love for them to come over; she loves them like they’re her own. And we have tons of maids and rooms for them to stay in and be entertained, its perfect!” I mean it didn’t sound like a terrible plan, but I don’t know it still seems rude.

“ Becca, I don’t...”

“You’re going, get over it.” She said giving me a look that said; shut up because you won’t win.

“Okay, but you brought this on yourself.” I said as the bell rang signalling the end of lunch.

We said our goodbyes and I made my way to science. As I walked down the halls, you could say there was more than one person I didn’t want to run into. I quickly stopped by my locker to grab my things. I shut the lock, hoping to get to class as fast as possible.

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