Chapter 5 - Home Sweet Home

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Ok Chapter 5 people :)

Chapter 5

After what felt like hours of walking, I finally spotted a nearby gas station. It looked a bit run down and deserted, but it was something. My legs were about to give out, so I quickly walked towards the front door and placed my face onto the cool glass window, sacnning the inside. I examined the area, but my breathe kept fogging up the glass. After looking around for a few minutes, and finding no one, I slouched.

“Hmm, guess no one’s in.” I sighed taking one last good look. Just then a face popped on the other side of the glass, and I screamed so loud that my voice rang throughout the forest. Even the birds flocked away terrified.

“Oh my god...” I got back up dusting off my cloths. Not that I needed too, I mean I stunk and looked like I went surfing in a garbage can. I quickly sniffed my pits and that’s when it hit me hard.

First thing...shower

I hadn’t realised that the old man was still staring at me through the door. I starting feeling a little uncomfortable.

I don’t like this one bit.

The old man waved his hand at me to come in. I hesitated for a second, before I grabbed the knob and opened the door. I stepped in slowly and felt disgusted all over again. This place was giving me the creeps. The walls were stained with something red, and it smelled like rotting flesh and cigarettes.

Bleggggh...I think I’m going to barf

 “What brings you this far from town all by yourself?” The elderly man asked me walking back to the dusty counter. Luckily I had some extra pocket change, which I could use to buy some aspirin with; My head was pounding like crazy.

“Uh, just here to meet a...friend...” I said cautiously. I mean I didn’t know what to say, I couldn’t be put in any more risky or serious situations. I just couldn’t afford it. As the man read his newspaper, I fell back into a day dream.

Who was that guy? I thought to myself, running my fingers against the dusty magazines. Is he known by the police? Does he have a criminal background? Has he kidnapped other girls before?

Just wait till I see his crazy face again, I will show no mercy! Muahahaha...

I was so engrossed in my thoughts, that I hadn’t even realised the old man was trying to get my attention.

“Hey, miss you alright? It looks like something’s bothering you?” He said watching me through his thick round glasses.

“Uh, pardon? Oh, I’m sorry bit of a rough day.” I said while rubbing the back of my head. By now I knew he thought I was crazy. I mean who wouldn’t? I looked like I was hit by some massive tornado.

 “Oh I see.  We’ve all had those days.” The man said smiling at me, making me shift uneasily. He didn’t look all that pleasant if you asked me. He had yellow, crooked teeth, with a navy blue top and overalls that looked like they were from the 1950’s. If you are imagining an old fart with a pot belly, and smells like alcohol then you’re correct.

“Ehe, yeah you’re probably right. I was just wondering if there was any way I could borrow your phone to make a quick call.” I asked politely. I didn’t want to get on the wrong side of this guy. I’ve had enough altercations with weirdoes for one day.

“Fine, but make it quick.” The man then turned back to his newspaper while I dialed home.

I grabbed the phone from the man and quickly dialed home. I was so nervous, that I even started biting my nails again. I haven’t done that since I was 13.

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