Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

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Callum’s POV

I carried her small body to my car, and gently placed her into the passenger’s seat. I was about to put her seatbelt on, when she grabbed my arm. The heat that radiated up my arm from this simple touch was so strong and irresistible. Her eyes were closed shut as she looked to be debating something.

“You don’t have to. I’ll do it.” She opened up her beautiful eyes and looked into mine. I immediately saw determination, and I knew no matter what I did she wouldn’t listen. I gave her a warm smile and retreated from on top of her. Once I shut the door, I pulled out my phone and called my beta. I looked back at my mate in the car, and saw the hurt in her eyes. I wanted to hold her and tell her everything was going to be fine, but I knew she needed space and time. I just wanted for her to realise that I’m here to help.

“Yes Alpha sir!” Xavier saluted over the phone.

“Very funny man.” I smiled knowing that my beta could always change the mood. As much as I wanted to joke around with him though, I knew that there were bigger things to deal with.

“Listen, I need to talk to you.” I shifted away from the car encase Sulli heard us. I didn’t need to burden her anymore than she already was. I quickly told Xavier what happened when we arrived at her house.

“Her house was flipped upside down. This wasn’t just any break in. I could smell something. There were other wolves’ here.” I seethed through the phone. My wolf and I were beyond pissed, and I could feel my wolf trying to come out. Xavier knew my Alpha side was beginning to show. I was one pissed off Alpha, especially when my mate was hurting.

“Alright calm down before your wolf goes insane.” I could hear shuffling on the other side, and assumed he was getting ready to leave.

“I’m trying. My wolf wants out, and I don’t know how much longer I can contain him.”  I didn’t want to scare my mate with all of this. I wanted to wait until she was ready. But another part of me just wants to claim her as mine already, and complete the mating.

Being an Alpha just made everything ten times worse. Alphas in past generations claimed their mates the moment they laid eyes on them. This was a sacred rule that had not been broken until my great grandfather. His mate did not want to mate with him because she was not ready. She was about 10 years younger than he was, making him have to wait until she was of age. Let’s just say, time wasn’t too kind on him.

He was a man running on Alpha hormones.

I’ve heard stories that he almost claimed her right in front of her parents, because he couldn’t handle it anymore. I was struggling so fucking hard when I smelt my own mates scent. I had to use all my willpower to keep myself from not taking her right then and there. It isn’t even the want of mating, but it is also assuring their safety. When other male wolves see that an Alpha has not mated with his mate yet, their safety becomes compromised.

“Alright I’ll go check out her house and see if I can find anything.” Xavier said trying to calm me down. I would trust my beta with anything. I knew he wouldn’t let me down. He wanted to formally meet my mate, but I had to explain to him how she doesn’t know anything yet. I wanted to take her back with me because I was only here on business. My original home town is on the other side of the country. She lives in Toronto, while I live in Vancouver. We were able to reach here in 2 days through our wolf forms.

“I’m going to go take her to her friend’s house, so that she’s safe. Meet me there in a few hours.”

“Okay, I’ll see you later man.” With that I hung up the phone and got into the driver’s seat. When I looked to her, she had fallen asleep. She was just so beautiful, and I hated seeing her in pain. When I find whoever is doing this to her, they will die in my hands one way or another.

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