Chapter 3 - Stranger Alert

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Chapter 3

The sound of the bell rudely woke me while I was having the best dream ever. I was swimming in a tub of chips!

Yeah I know I have a problem, but they’re just so good.

“Stupid bell, how dare you ruin my ecstasy.” I muttered under my breath stretching. As I rubbed my tired eyes, I heard someone next to me chuckle very deep and low. I don’t know if it was because I was half asleep right now, but it sounded kind of like wind chimes.

Aha, get a grip man!

I turned to where the sound came from and saw a guy wearing a black hoodie sitting in the seat next to me. I couldn’t really see his face due to the fact that he was being swarmed by drooling girls Poor guy, I thought.

I quickly got up from my seat, trying to avoid all the hormonal females beside me; I will never understand these girls. He’s just a guy, why try so hard to get his attention. What happened to self pride and dignity? I began walking away, when someone had grabbed my wrist.

What the hell?

I turned around startled to see it was the guy sitting next to me. Okay, that’s weird; maybe he just grabbed the wrong person. I attempted to pull my hand from his grip, but it seemed to be getting tighter and a little painful.

Why do I feel heat on my wrist? OH GOD! IS HE TRYING TO BURN ME! HELL NAAW!

The females were so caught up on the guy, that it was preventing me from seeing this psychos face! Now I was getting scared, he wouldn’t let go of my wrist. What’s with this guy?  I placed my foot on one of the other desks and pulled as hard as I could, but he didn’t budge!

“Oh you want to play like that, I see you.” I muttered bringing his muscular arm towards my mouth to could bite him. I hesitated staring and the veins popping out of his forearm. He was a bit tan, and I could already notice that he was ripped. After I refocused my attention back on the job, I brought my mouth to his arm and bit down as hard as I could.

“Shit!” He hissed letting go of my arm, and that was my cue to run!

I ran as fast as my little stubby feet could take me. I finally reached my second period class, Math. Just awesome! I took a seat in the back as usual and pulled out my text books, trying to calm my heavy breathing.

“BOO!” Someone screamed into my ear. I think I screamed so loud people down the halls could hear me. I slowly turned around panicking so much that I could hear my heartbeat in my ears.

Please, please, please!

By the time I turned around and saw it wasn’t that crazy dude, I almost wacked my friend in the back of her head. At this point she was laughing so hard, that her face became a bright shade of red.

 “!” She was gagging. I patiently waited for her to calm down, but it just seemed to be taking f o r e v e r.

“All better now?” I asked getting a little annoyed.

“Wooooohoo, yup all better.” She said while whipping away an invisible tear.

“So why did you freak out like that? I mean I’m usually the one to scream bloody murder when there is a cockroach.” She looked to me, waiting for a response. By that time the bell had rung and the students had already gathered.

“I’ll tell you at lunch okay.” I pleaded using my hazel eyes as a weapon. It always got her.

“Fine but, you better spill every detail or I will be forced to choke it out of you!” she said while fake choking me. I agreed and focused my attention back on the math teacher.

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