You guys should drink redbull and coffee, and start texting people , and after you calm down, see what you texted
J: Are you sure that's saf-
T: *hands 5 redbulls and a cup of coffee* IT'S NOT. BUT THAT DOESN'T MATTER.
J: ...Well alright then.
*Several, Several hours later*
T: O-ok-kay...I think I'm calm en-enough.
J: Me t-t-t-too.
T: *takes out phone* L-let's see..."I frrl funmy"..."I sgild gave wungs bu niw" and "i cna see sounfs". W-w-well th-then...
J: And m-mine is just a random assortment of let-letters and nu-numbers I can't really tr-try to pronounce.
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