Chapter One

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"Pardon me." I squeezed through the crowd. I had been trying to get to class for about ten minute now. Students crowded the hall, and I had no clue why, until about a few seconds later.

I pushed past a few people into a clearing, to see a boy beating a smaller boy. No one even bothered to try and help him, they just watched.

I decided to be the one to try to help. I raced to the stranger.

"Leave him alone." I tried to yell, but I was so scared that it just came out in my normal, pretty pathetic voice.

"Someone's tuff today." the man dropped the smaller one. "How about you leave before you get yourself hurt?" He glared at me.

"Not if you don't leave him alone." I shot back.

I heard a couple people in the crowd whisper things like: "Does this kid know what he's getting himself into?" And things like: "Someone's going home with a black eye, and my money's on the new kid."

"Listen, I don't know who you are, but at this school, no one tells me what to do. Especially nobody's like you." He said, pinning me against the wall, like he was going to hit me.

I feel like I should have been scared, but I wasn't. I was going to be late to class if I didn't get out of here right now, so being the genius that I was, I punched the man, full force in the jaw, and I said one thing before helping the boy up and walking off.

"My names Thomas Jefferson." Little did I know that I had just started a war between the man, and myself.

I sat quietly in class as the teacher rambled on about some unimportant time period in history. I had that class with the boy I "saved" earlier, he sat in the back of the class. I looked back at him a handful of times during the class. He would flash me a small smile, or he would be scribbling something down on his paper.

I was walking to my next class when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around to see the boy from that morning.

"Hey, Thomas right?" He asked, a small smile on his face.

"Yeah... What was your name again?" I asked, returning a smile.

"Oh! Im James Madison." He followed as I continued to walk.

"Nice to meet you." i smiled.

"I just uh..." He looked at me for a moment, not saying anything.

"James?" I asked, trying to figure out what he was looking at.

"S-sorry," He said, breaking out of his daydream, his face flustered. "I Just wanted to say thank you, for earlier."

"Don't mention it." I watched as a grin spread across his face.

"Hey-um you can sit with my friends and I at lunch- I mean, if you'd like to." he shoved his hands in his jacket pockets.

"Sure." I grinned.

His face lit up and he smiled at me.

“O-okay! Great! I’ll see you then!” He ran off with a grin, as the bell rang.

All I could do was smile to myself. I was going to have friends, people who cared for me, and backed me up. I just had to get them to like me first.

//Hey people of the internet! I hope you're enjoying the fanfic so far! I'm also hoping this story has a better turn out than my Lams one... Anyways, I'll be sure to update at least once a day. See you in the next chapter! Bye!//

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