Holy hell im sorry folks (Chapter 7)

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James POV

I really didn't get it, I didn't get him. I think I just shocked him? No. That man was a Grade A trouble maker.

I stomped down the hall back to my room, slamming the door open and nearly scaring Samuel and George off their seats. At the moment I didn't care though, so I completely ignored the trio and threw myself into one of the empty chairs.

Charles POV
"You look happy." I laughed at myself. I really didn't know why James was angry at this point.

"Shut up Charles." He snapped.

"Oh, pardon me for trying to lighten the mood." I got up to go get a glass of water. "What are you so salty about anyways?"

"Thomas. Is. An. Asshole." He sunk lower into his chair.

"Well, I mean we've all known that about him for a while now." I walked back into the living area and sat back down.

"No. I mean-ikissedhim." James mumbled.

"What?" I asked him again, just to see if he said what I heard.

"I kissed him." He crossed his arms.

"Knew it." I said, gesturing to Samuel. He took a five dollar bill out of his pocket and slammed it in my hand.

We had made a bet a while ago. Samuel was convinced they were just close, but I suspected otherwise.

"So?" George sat up in his chair. "Why are you mad?"

"He got curved-" Samuel started.

"Shut it Samuel." George cut him off and scooted his chair next to James. "Aw hun, I'm sorry. You don't need him anyway-"

"You're right!" James jumped up. "I don't need him. A-and I'm gonna tell him that." He stomped over to the door, swung it open, and slammed it. He slammed the door so hard in fact, it knocked a picture on the wall crooked.

"So," Samuel said, fixing the picture. "Do you think it'll work?"

"I know it will." I smiled.

I heard talking outside the doors. I shushed Alex,George and Samuel who were talking out who know what.

We all huddled around the door to try and listen to what was happening on the other side.

Thomas POV

I was on my way to apologize. I was known to say things I didnt mean, or do things out of the fear of not knowing what else to do.

I was about to knock on the door, when a very (understandably) angry James stomped out, slamming the door behind him.

Both of us startled, we just looked at each other for a minute.

"Thomas Jefferson." He said stridently. "I'd just like you to know that-"

I acted on instinct, pulling James into a kiss. I felt the same as before. Just not scared. Not fearful of not knowing what to do. This time I knew what to do. I kissed him. And he kissed me back and it was the perfect symphony of love playing our heartstrings.

James stepped back for a moment, smiled up at me and said "You suck."

Charles POV
I was looking through the peephole in the door when it happened. I held my hand out and cleared my throat as Samuel slammed another 5 dollar bill in my hand.

"You suck." He said as he glared at me.

"I know." I smiled at him and shoved the money in my pocket.

Hey hey hey thotties. Sorry its been so long and this chapter hella sucks but 🤠✌
I hope y'all enjoyed and I will be updating regularly again.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2018 ⏰

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