Chapter Two

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After the lunch bell rang, I made my way to the cafeteria.
"What am I going to say?" I asked myself. The whole time I walked I rehearsed my introduction in my head.
"Hey guys. No. Sup dudes- defenatly not. Howdy y'all. God no." I shook my head and walked into the cafeteria, and almost instantly, I spot James and his friend at a table. There was only one other person at the table, I figured that the rest of his friends were waiting in line for food.
Hesitantly, I made my way over to them. James saw me and smiled.
"Thomas!" He grinned.
"Howd- I mean hey." I gave an uneasy smile.
"Thomas, this is my friend, Charles."
Charles stood up. "So you're that Thomas character James has been talking about non-stop huh?" ((I did not try to make that reference, it just sort of... Happened)) He smiled and outstretched a hand for me to shake.
"Yeah. It's nice to meet you." I shook his hand and smiled. I looked behind me at James, who's face was flushed pink, before two voices shouted.
"Hey James!" Two other boys ran over to him.
"This food is unbelievable." One boy with firecracker red hair stared stridently at his tray of food.
"I wouldn't call that food." The other one scoffed before turning his attention to me. "Who's this James?"
"Oh! Uh- Guys, this is Thomas." James smiled, looking at me, then back at the boys.
"Oh..." Both the boys said in unison. "So you're Thom-"
"Yes." I said, a bit annoyed. "I'm Thomas. Who might you be?"
The boy with the red hair seemed a bit shaken up, so the other answered for him.
"This is Samuel." The boy turned to the other. "He's... Emotional, at the least." He looked at me once again. "I'm George The Third."
"The snootiest of us all, to say the least." Charles chuckled from his spot at the table.
"Uh-You can sit down Thomas." James said, sitting down.
We talked for all of lunch, and when the bell rang we said our goodbyes and began to scurry off to our classes.
"They're nice." I thought to myself as I walked. "I can't believe on my first day, I made four friends." I smiled.
My happy thoughts came to an end, when I felt someone grab the back of my shirt and began dragging me out the doors to the parking lot.
"Let me go!" I kicked and struggled to get free from the grasp, but I couldn't.
I was thrown against the brick wall, and when I opened my eyes, I saw the one person I hoped I'd never see again.

Hey guys! I'm really sorry for not updating like I said I would, and sorry for the short chapter. I have been extremely busy and have had an writers block for a while. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Adiós until next chapter. ~448 words.

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