Chapter Four

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"Charles how-"I began to ask, but I was silenced by Charles.

"That's none of your business." he said calmly, but overbearing at the same time.

"Actually you stole my phone, so yeah it is, and it'll be everyone elses too when they get back." I glared at him. He was no taller than the rest of the group, but he had the ability to add a sharpness to his voice, and it could make one feel hopeless.

He laughed a bit and shook his head. "When James, George, and Samuel prance back around that corner, you will say nothing of the sort."

Just then, James, Samuel, and George walked around the corner.

"Oh good, you two are still here." James smiled and handed me the ice pack. "Sorry we took so long, there was a line."

We decided to go get coffee, and we began to walk to the shop as we listened to George rant about how some kid was wearing red and yellow at the same time.

I didn't like coffee. I never have. It just disgusted me. The taste, the smell, everything about it was just terrible, but I agreed to go because James had the idea.

I liked James more than the rest of the group, don't get me wrong Sam and George were nice and all, and I don't know if it's because James was my first friend at this school or what. He just had that personality that stood out, he was one of those people that you couldn't forget, even if you tried.

When we arrived, a stench of coffee ambushed us. I cringed a bit  at the smell. After we ordered, we sat down,  James and George at my sides, and Sam, and Charles across from us. I couldn't stop thinking about what he had said. Today was hecktic, to say the least, and I has no idea what was going on. Why did Charles send that text? How did he know Alex? How did he know that I knew Alex? What did he have against Alex?

I hadn't even been listening to the others conversation, I just stared at the door, trying ever so desperately to wrap my head around everything that had happened.

My daydreaming came to an end when I saw omeone walk in.

It was none other than Alexander Hamilton himself.


oml hi guys! no, I'm not dead. I've just been busy with school, and theatre. Sorry about the short chapter, or if this story succs as a whole. BUT ALMOST 100 READS?! OML THANK YA'LL! I HONESTLY NEVER THOUGHT THIS STORY WOULDN'T GET MORE THAN TEN READS! AHHHH HECC GUYS, THANKS. See ya'll in the next chapter. Cya.

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