Haha Finally Chapter Six

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James POV

I heard the confused chatter of Samuel and George as we walked into my dorm along with Charles and Alexander. They all seemed to want to ask the same question.

"Where's Thomas?" George finally asked, helping himself to my fridge.

"He left." I sat down on the couch.

"What?" Alex glared.

"He didn't want to help, so I told him to leave." I shrugged. I felt bad about what I said to Thomas, after all I did have by far the hugest crush on him, but I couldn't break. I have a job to do.

"J-james, you don't know how important Thomas is to the situation. He's the only one that I know has any kind of ties to John." Alex began to pace.

"We can figure it out without him." I said firmly, crossing my arms.

"You don't understand," Alex said once again. "Thomas is the only one that can help us, if not we'll just be dogs chasing our own tails."

"Fine," I sighed. "I'll talk to him."

As I walked down the hallways, I felt happy about the conversation, seeming how I'd get to speak to Thomas again. However, as dreading it because I didn't know what to say or how to say it.

Thomas's POV

knock knock knock

There was knock at my door. It was a bit after nine, so it was dark, and the only light source that was on in the dorm was the faint TV light the luminated the front room.

I finally got the will power to get up and open the door after minutes of knocking.

"How many times do I have to tell you I don't want any-"I stopped talking when I saw James in the doorway. "Girl scout cookies..."

James laughed at what I said, but his smile fell as I let him inside.

"So uhh what brought you here?" I asked.

"Alexander won't let us help him. He wants you to help." James looked down.


"He thinks you're the only one that can help because he thinks you're the only one that will understand because apparently you're the only one thats been through anything semi-traumatizing." James spoke fast, and I could barely make out what he said.

"James?" I stepped closer to him. I was going to ask if he was okay, but it was obvious he wasn't when I saw a singular tear roll off his cheek and onto the floor.

He looked up at me, and for a split second I had this mushy, warm feeling. One that I felt before, and it ended in utter disaster.

Before I could think to step back or say anything, I felt James lips meet mine, and the mushy feeling got worse.

I pulled away from him and looked down.

"I think you should leave." I didn't want to say those words, but I somehow muttered them loud enough for James to hear.


"Get out." I said angrily.

And with that, James confusedly stomped out of the dorm, slamming the door behind him.

H a I finally got another chapter in. AND HOLY SMOKES 500 READS?! IM SCREAMING GUYS THANK YOU SO MUCH! AAAAAAAAAAAAA. ILL UPDATE TOMORROW. If y'all want I could make a one shot book, or even another actual book about Heathers, Be More Chill, Dear Evan Hansen, or even Hamilton. Just comment what you'd like, and I'll see y'all in the next update.

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